
One of the reasons Aaron was so cross at the two kids who ran out on the field was that he had been receiving so many death threats prior to breaking Babe Ruth's record that he was certain they were out there to do him harm.

Really? I think it's kinda dumpy. She isn't someone who should wear a cap sleeve - makes her look much wider than she is.

Really? I think it's un-flattering and doesn't do much for her bangin bod. She also looks awkward and uncomfortable, hair meh. I've seen her look soooo much better. She is a really beautiful woman.

on those days I was particularly bored I was more than happy to abuse myself with internet porn rather than grab a gun and shoot someone.

counterpoint: statistics show that the vast majority of 17 year old males cure boredom through masturbation, not murder.

I get what you're saying but fuck man. Even at 15 I understood that killing people was wrong and on those days I was particularly bored I was more than happy to abuse myself with internet porn rather than grab a gun and shoot someone.

The Australian baseball community has been hit pretty hard by this news. Chris Lane attended the MLB Australian Academy Program in 2008, and yesterday, this year's participants held a moment of silence for him prior to their games.

Wide open spaces are great, but not when they're full of Breaking Bad extras.

Every time I see anything about it, it makes me tear up a little. I wasn't necessarily a huge fan, just knew him from the occasional "Rizzoli and Isles" episode that I've watched, but there was something (besides the fact that he was beautiful) about him that I really liked. Super sad all day.

I loved Lee Thompson Young in both the Famous Jett Jackson and Rizzoli and Isles. The show won't be the same without Frost's banter with Rizzoli's brother. He was a great actor.

I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion but I'm happy for Jude Law because I feel like he finally has the career he's always wanted for himself. He's a great character actor and at his best when his looks/looking good aren't the focus of his character. That's not to say I didn't love and lust after him circa Talented

Because New York City and Eastern Oregon are the only two possible options available.

Remember, if it's not New York City, according to Gawker it's a wasteland.

You're gonna be here a while waiting to for a troops-quartered in a private home sports story, but good luck to you.

Dammit, this is fantastic. Certain sites, like this very one (one of my favorites) have backed themselves into a corner with their one-note approach to this issue. (And I get that this is an invited author - which makes it all the worse).

Intellectually, I agree with your fundamental premise, Scott. It's clear that a lot of the blood lust against A-Rod is personal and that the general vendetta against PEDs is based on hysteria more than it is reason. But, that said, I strongly disagree with how
you get to your conclusion.

On Ortiz: I don't claim to know whether he's a user or not. But I'd like to point out that the "accusation" consists of an allegation that his name is on a list of people who tested positive for a substance on another list. And MLB and the union refuse to release either of those lists. So Ortiz may have tested

When they're saying the complaint has merit, they're not saying they think he's innocent. They're saying that he satisfied the basic requirements for showing there could be a problem with the content—e.g. he had purchased the book, and even if his name was changed, he might be identifiable if you know the author or

Hold the phone- A-Rod's punishment is more severe because he interfered with the investigation by:

Basically they sound like they don't want to get sued. I mean, I feel for the writer, given what happened but you get a really motivated person and something that hasn't—and probably can't really be proven in a court of law (not because it lacks veracity but rather there probably isn't enough current evidence) and you