
For all we know, the woman in the v-neck does have kids. She doesn't get loud or start yelling, the way the mother and her husband do, so I honestly don't believe she was trying to be disrespectful. She is at work, so maybe her boss asked her to say something or she received a complaint from someone else in the

Not sure what you mean by this. What does her age/ability to have children have to do with anything? Because the woman in the v-neck is capable of popping out a kid, she shouldn't say anything to the woman who's breast-feeding because SHE COULD BE NEXT?

Technically, I find men with unkempt feet wearing sandals to be a little gross. I do not find breastfeeding gross. And sure I could look elsewhere, and often do. Just as someone breastfeeding could put a little blanket over her bare breasts in public while feeding just as easily. I'm not saying women have to stop

I agree? I don't really understand what the big deal about using a light blanket to cover yourself is. Is that really asking too much?

I'm sure I'll get blasted for this, but here goes... I am a mom to a 3-month-old. So I get the need to feed. It's important. It's natural. But really, I don't think it's too much to ask someone to cover it up in public. Politely. It shouldn't escalate into a brawl. And if the person refuses, then you should just walk

Now playing

The only thing wrong with this is filming in portrait mode.

I saw it accidentally. I googled the guy and right in the middle of the results, they had images. DO NOT GOOGLE HIM.

Welp. The internet—social media specifically, has run it's course. It's over. It was a cool idea, like a quirky artists' commune in Colorodo might be, but it's turned into a super concentrated compost heap of human dysfunction...kind of like a quirky artist commune in Colorado might be. I'm gonna pack up some of my

AND nothing is quite as delicious as Twitchy rage. MM's minions' tears are scientifically (ooooooh how they hate science) proven to taste great.

Yup, earbuds and books do squat when guys think they are entitled to your attention. In high school I had to bus both ways and I'd always wear earbuds (even if my MP23 player was dead), read a book (or at least have one open), and try to get to the "loner" seat (it was one seat by itself) yet I still had plenty of men

"I don't know what to say"


This best part is how *bored* the cat looks. Like riding a Roomba in a shark costume is an everyday occurance for him. I went to bed last night imagining dialogue between this cat and the family dog:

Those trailers are painful to watch !

Are you ten?

"You're an incredible mother. To your children."

I like to imagine that Brody is just kind of a normal person who is disgusted by the Kardashians, but has to appear on their stupid reality show so he doesn't upset everyone. We all do stupid things to keep our families happy, and I guess if you're related to a clan of idiotic, exploitative narcissists then this is

Just here to say Brody Jenner is super hot and I. definitely. would.