
I'm going to wager you also find arm farts the height of comic sophistication.

I really didn't think this story could get so much worse, so quickly. Just horrific.

Not if host country clubs start ejecting and banning people immature enough to yell it (and other things).

Eh, sometimes the apples do fall far from the trees.

Leitch does the numbered paragraph reviews, not Grierson.

In addition to Mud, I'd put The Way Way Back and Before Midnight on my short list of quality cinema in 2013.

I also apologize for bombarding you. I just don't get too many opportunities to talk about cinema with a person who knows his shit :)

You can't ever go wrong trying David Lean on a girl. You can trust your birth decade with me. Come on, tell me. I was born shortly before Nixon left office.

Now playing

Hmmm I am going to be lazy and veer off a bit.

Not as often as I should be :)

You know, when I first replied to you, I wanted to just kick your ass.

Ha, I saw that preview with... Much Ado About Nothing, I think? I don't gravitate towards popular films.

Now playing

Hmmm, I'm enjoying this exchange so allow me to continue.

Oh come ON. I was just about to say, "Hey, not trying to yank your chain, I'm not saying Daniels is Henry Jaglom or anything" and you pull the literal defintion of "working" cop out?? As someone who writes, I can assure you that creatives are always "working" whether or not Variety lists anything in production. I

David O. Russell.

A) Lee Daniels is BY FAR the best American director currently working.

Worst case scenario, you could have fed your guests Moondog :)

Someone took her make-up counter consultation sheet a twee too literally.

An amen, +1 and + Juan right back at you for this one, my friend. Behave in accordance with the etiquette of the sporting event you are attending. Not that difficult to grasp (except, apparently, for Howard Stern fans and those who bust into giggles over the cleverness of the phrase "mashed potato").