HRC will take a huge cut of this money you willfully ignorant fool.
HRC will take a huge cut of this money you willfully ignorant fool.
You get lectured because you come off as an ignorant ideologue.
Trump would beat Sanders? Don’t be stupid.
People do love the candidate who has been part of the most killing. No one kills like Hillary has recently.
Typical whiny girl. I will say it probably does suck hard knowing deep down “white privilege” exists because your culture got its ass handed to it. lol
I'm attracted to white girls, primarily. Lucky you, but people like me exist and we aren't racist.
We'll, considering the % that have AIDS/TB and live in slums.... That place is a fucking disaster. One party government is BAD BAD BAD.
Actually, you did exactly what was described. Here's a hint: Just because you think you have the moral high ground it doesn't give you the right to respond like a snotty bitch.
“Bro-dude” Yes, please tell me more, Princess?
Blackface isn’t an international issue. The fact it is verboten in the US is irrelevant to any other cultures. Talk about xenophobic.
Yeah, they are the ones that sound like dickey trolls. Uh-Huh....
No, some of us at least are wired to think certain things are hot and not other things. I can assure you my attraction to white + vagina is not a conditioned response w/o experiencing either black or Cock. All the ideologues claiming otherwise are just butthurt their magical ‘utopia’ which they wish exists actually…
Nice strawman.
Not everything is a dig, you dumbfuck. He was serious and trying to say she was hot, without being a dork and doing it directly. Christ, and you wonder why guys don't want to talk...
Nah, it's just how we are wired. Certain traits fire up our brains, sadly fat isn't one of them. Stick to the gym, it will be worth it.
This isn't racism! Explain how I'm at fault for something I don't control.
Please explain How my attraction to exclusively white women, (or even women with white features) is ‘racist’. Then explain how my attraction to only vaginas and not cock somehow isn’t ‘homophobic’. See the problem?
Gosh, I wonder why that is? Could it be that we are inundated with silliness like this article that calls us racist for things we don’t even control. If the game is rigged and you can’t win, what’s the upside of broaching the subject?
Bullshit. If I don't find you attractive that's just the way it is. It's no more racist than my not wanting any cock in me is homophobic. Your standards are batshit.