The liars name is Jackie Coakley.
The liars name is Jackie Coakley.
Fuck off. X2
Fuck off. You know full well if he had sat there stoically, emotionless there would be people complaining as well. He’s a killer, so there is nothing he’s going to do that is correct.
“Shaking with rage.” Wow, imagine what her orgasms must be like.
You sound well adjusted.
Yes, if only I was exposed to gay culture at a younger age, I'd have sucked way more cock by now. Why do you put so much stock in socialization when things are obviously hard wired?
Was that an "I wrote a book" Humblebrag!?!? STFU
I get that post humously everyone is a great person (maybe he was)....But FUCK am I the only one that has any standards? Scott was overated as it gets and his schtick was beyond tired. He was style over substance and intelligence. And even then most of that supposedly hip style was forced and stilted.
Which is why we have a justice system and don't let you have a say.
Explain how privacy in public works exactly. I'll wait.
Because speech is speech even if you makes you all sad inside. It was rejected because the speech protected is more important than your niche issue.
Nice assumption. Don't let facts get in the way of your crusade. Carry on.
Why do I doubt anyone has offered to pay you? #Youreourbitch
Your thought police worldview is charming. I'll be sure to apologize if I think any thoughts you might deem offensive as well.
Fuck. You.
Expanding the definition of rape to ludicrous proportions, that would also be "rape culture".
Cake is the most degrading thing he puts on his face? <cough>
Bullshit. Certain traits are much more common in different groups of people, save me the "they just train harder" canard. We aren't all created equally. If you want to be a distance runner you damn well better hope your ancestors are from East Africa, and if you want to win gold in the 100 or play RB in the NFL West…
Cumming in a girl is rape? Pretty sure that's not true.