I laughed hard at this
I laughed hard at this
To everyone saying he was "Drunk off his ass", he had only 3 beers and 3 shots within a 4 hour period. Hardly "Drunk off his ass". If anything it was his poor choice to drive at high speeds than his alcohol consumption.
im wondering what he was implying as well
not confirmed
you are an ass
oh dear lord
Oh man this is tragic, he was a hilarious guy on jack-ass. What terrible news.
this is hilarious
you are telling me that nowhere through your house, you do not have one piece of technology that plays DVD's? Seriously?
Quick Time Events are the Auto-tune of gaming.
its probably not a big deal anymore because pokemon cards are practically worthless now. Remember that friggin charizard card? Spent 100 bucks on it when i was his age. Craziest part about it is i never battled them,i just loved collecting them.
Lord, this is the reason why Sony and Microsoft need to get working on a new system.
i never cringed so much in my life when watching the kinect playthroughs. It was all so corny and cheesy. For the love of God, shouldn't they know no one plays videogames like that, ever.
it was a secret?
And this is why we can't have nice things
i cracked up as well