
I am extremely disappointed with how gaming went in 2010. The games released this year have been mediocre at best. You can argue that there where a few games out this year that were decent, but thats all this year was, decent. I have yet to play a game this year that blew me away. The last game to do that to me was

@beaker: What.....the.....f&$k

@Kovitlac:Well its just the fact it is a major city, and it doesnt seem shit ever happens here. Gah!

Wait, Gays are appearing on TV?? JESUS CHRIST! Man your battle stations people! Those bastards think we'll Take Will & Grace lying down???! NEVER!

Lord, does no one go to Chicago anymore.

Hey! What i do to my penis to object able and controversial images are my business!

It's not gaudy enough, try again.

So hes already got a racing a sneaking game? Anyone else noticing a pattern here?

Ummmm yes!.... it was the tears that were making my keyboard sticky......the tears....

or, add it to the XBLA or PSN and actually profit.

"Get this kill Get this kill uh" (Insert gun here) and get this kill uh" (Repeat)

@Zamzoph: id prefer the umbrella corporation logo to be honest.

i swear to god i thought they where joking the whole time. you should have seen my face when i found out they were actually serious

Step 1: play dance central naked

Man, microsoft shot themselves in the foot with this one. Honestly, i do not see why they do not treat indie developers with more respect. Not only do indie support open the door for more business opportunities for microsoft, but they add more depth to the console itself.


*looks at picture first*