am i the only one who thinks her head is way to small for those bodies? #bayonetta
am i the only one who thinks her head is way to small for those bodies? #bayonetta
I can see the feeds now....
In other news, Sony is still denying PS3 Slim... #bluray
@Dandikus: indeed it did my son....indeed it did... #dragonballragingblast
@Dandikus: oops lemme rephrase that.... No matter what they do, how many times they release a game, it will never EVER be as good as "Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout" #dragonballragingblast
Wait....if its "2033", then why is he holding a type 100? #metro2033
@SacGamer: It was bull shit how he was killed. I was actually rooting for Brolly the whole movie! #dragonballragingblast
No matter what they do, how many times they release a game, it will never EVER be as good as "Dragon Ball: GT" #dragonballragingblast
more than 5 years of service, been in every xbox live beta, and i get kicked to the curb. Honestly microsoft, what the hell? #xbox360
You can bet your sweet ass ill be there. #modernwarfare2
Seriously, is this a surprise? They have re-released this system so many damn times its making nintendo shake its head. Even worse, there are still not enough solid titles to warrant me purchasing a hand-held that is basically the same price as the PS3. Sorry, ill stick with my brick PSP, which is still somewhere in…
This is BS. Ive been an Xboxlive subscriber since the original xbox and no e-mail. Thanks Microsoft #xbox360
@Slothboy: Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a computer in their room. Some families share one computer. This makes it easy for them, and many others to stay connected with friends.
Ouch! If it gets a little chilly out there she'll prob poke someones eye out.
This is a piece of crap. This is not splinter cell, this looks like dead to rights. Way to fuck up my favorite series Ubisoft. Anyone who does think this looks good are just bandwagon fans and are not real fans.
So its "My Bloody Valentine" with dig dug. Witty...
Can't wait for splinter cell: convictions to come out! I always love it when developers destroy my favorite series. And it looks like convictions will not fail at that!