
Finding players who are willing to engage is a struggle. My players do a lot of the heavy lifting. In the other game I’m in everyone is a DM and the actual was telling us that his main group makes no effort to engage the story. It’s very linear for them but they love it. 

My players do the exact opposite. They are so efficient at adding to the world. Some players aren’t really built for that. I really only have to plan one plot point per session. 

I only tell them the DC if they keep hitting the wall. Especially if there is a bless or inspiration being used. 

You’re not going to get a bunch of dnd people to branch out by constantly insulting the game they already enjoy. 

I definitely agree with this philosophy. My players just get creative. And slightly reckless.  

All of this. This is why I don’t use XP. Brennan makes the argument better than me, XP just encourages people to do the things that grant xp. Which is mostly just killing things.

Yeah. I actively avoid using the actual books when teaching people the game because I don’t want them to get bogged down in the mire of RAW. I give my players the freedom to solve their problems as they seen fit. I find that experienced people have a habit of defaulting to fight as the default solution.

Sometimes when I ask them to roll it’s to help me decide what happens instead of a fail/success thing. 

I feel like they were trying to be nice but yeah that’s on the DM

I understand that you don’t want to blame the DM but I will for sure be blaming the DM. It’s a mistake we’ve all made, but that doesn’t make it less of a mistake.

I don’t think the perfect solution exist at this point. 

but if zelda predates both of those games would they be zeldalike instead of the reverse?

but I would honestly prefer knuckles 

Say you do it and Nintendo comes after you legally, do you really have the funds to combat a platoon of corporate lawyers? How much of your life are you willing to spend fighting this? What happens if you lose?

It’s not even the smash community. It’s people playing a version of the game from 2001. Doubtful that they represent even half of the people who play smash. 

Especially when you consider the past. At what point do people just get the message?

How did you see that trailer and think that it wasn’t still silly? SR4 wasn’t silly. It was a series a parodies.

What exactly about this game says fortnite? I mean for christ sake 3 and 4 had people in fur suits walking about. There was even a dedicated mini game. 

It would be Overwatch Damage Character

I mean if you’re making a game about young people starting a gang in 2021, they’re going to be weird aggregates of gen z anyways.