
I don’t Matt Mercer would mind. 

If the choice is delay it for at least 6 months versus release most of it during peak buying time.....I mean that feels like an easy choice. 

If they delay it three months it won’t come out until Summer because why launch a game of this nature in January when you can just wait until Summer or Spring?

As a person who continues to enjoy pokemon, gotta say this isn’t for me but I also hated gen 4 so maybe that’s part of it. 

I mean considering the longevity of the franchise.....I don’t blame them. Yeah people complain but they also continue to buy the games. 

would be nice if the people who are always complaining about pokemon spent more time talking about the games they do like. 

Is it so hard to believe that white people across the political spectrum are capable of being racist? It’s real easy to say “well no real progressive would do something racist” but you don’t have to work hard to find a person of color who will tell you otherwise. 

In my experience it only determines the ways in which you are racist. Conservative racism is very in your face. Progressive/liberal racism is insidious because they say all the right things and then boom out of nowhere they’re explaining to you why black face is okay in the right context or they’re moving into a black

White men are just allowed to be terrible as long as they see the light eventually.

Because the ex KKK member is vocal about their past self being terrible. There’s a particular level of shame. Would we have even known about it if someone had not exposed him? That’s where the problem lies. I frequently tell friends that my twitter account to a monument to my growth. I don’t attempt to white wash

Being outwardly progressive doesn’t stop people from being racist. Plenty of racism in progressive circles. 

I think it’s the difference between,

I hated the combat. Pretty much cemented me not playing further. 

for people who hate kotaku so much they are never not talking about it. 

almost as if there is a large contingent of people who just want to be angry at kotaku.

I believe I can fly is not the theme song. It’s just one of the many great songs from that soundtrack and thankfully the only one R Kelly was involved in. 

I was so glad when I saw that control had this option. 

Nintendo says that the factory in question isn’t tied to them at all. there’s no inspection to speak of. Did you read the article?

because it’s cheaper

Unless it’s Neku from the world ends with you.