Just bought it. My PSN is bmc811 and I have a mic.
Just bought it. My PSN is bmc811 and I have a mic.
Is Payday on PS3 any good? Might be worth a $10 flier. I do enjoy coop shooters.
Picked BNW up on a whim because I loved 1984. It's now one of my favorite books of all time. Huxley was a genius.
That's why I prefer the Hobbit. Shorter, much less grand story, and Tolkien doesn't waste half the book describing things.
11/30 for me. They included my five favorites of all time (in order: Gatsby, Sun Also Rises, On the Road, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Ender's Game) and two others I love (The Road and 1984) so I guess I have good taste? I think Catcher in the Rye is the most overrated piece of crap ever written, and must reads like…
Saw that on Joystiq. Kinda sucks but whatever. Gives me stuff to look forward to. Thanks dude.
Uncharted and Gravity Rush are both darn good 1st Party games. And LBP is coming in a couple of months. Plus, there's games like Wipeout 2048, the Show, and Unit 13, as well as DL titles like Escape Plan (all 1st party exclusives).
I didn't play MNR on PS3 (mediocre reviews didn't do a great job of selling it) but I do like cart racers, especially MK. I'm in no rush to get it, so I'll wait until it hits $15 or so. Wish I had known about that Best Buy deal though.
Sony would lose face if they officially priced the WiFi at $200 though, so it's nice to see the retail partners are picking up the slack. That white Vita does look great (no fingerprints!) and the AC bundle it comes in looks pretty sweet.
Already have the first pack thanks to my GameStop preorder, so I'm missing the maid and spy packs. $8 isn't too bad for 8 missions and challenges, plus two costumes, so I'll probably pick both up.
Ahem Capcom ahem. And the vanilla game's missions and challenges are fairly big chunks of game, so $4 is probably worth it.
I personally have been buying carts, even though I have 12GB of memory (4 and 8 gig stick). The loading times seem to be faster from the carts, mostly because the cards aren't even lvl 10 encryption (read that in a comment around here).
GameStop is doing the same, just FYI.
That pricing is decent for the amount of content included. I'll probably pick up the two packs I'm missing when the PSN store updates. Thanks for the info!
I heard awful things about MNR, so I avoided it like the plague. Thanks for the recommendation! I'll have to pick it up when it's cheap. LBP looks great (especially with that new save state tool) and I am eagerly awaiting an FFX HD release date. Funny, the last Show I picked up was 09 on PSP, and I loved it. Road to…
Hate to rub it in, but you're missing out. GR is a legitimate GOTY candidate IMO.
That AC bundle is awesome. Almost makes me regret adopting early.
Do it! Like I mentioned to ak-blanc, GameStop is giving out a $50 gift card (aka a free game) with purchase of either model if you're a Power Up Rewards member. Gravity Rush and Uncharted are both great games and system sellers IMO.
The game is as great as advertised. The demo doesn't do it justice. I am having a blast flying around and doing missions.
Don't know if this will interest you, but GameStop is apparently giving Power Up Rewards members a $50 gift card with purchase of either model. That's Uncharted or Gravity Rush for free. And sorry if I sound like a shill, but I love the Vita and want to get more people interested. It's a great piece of hardware.