
Kind of a similar idea to the book Reality is Broken, which is a must read by all gamers. I applaud you Mr. Bertoli for actually having the guts to put this into practice. Gamified classrooms are the future of education and it needs to start somewhere. Best of luck with the rest of the semester.

Fair enough. If I remember correctly, the Vita is selling worse than the 360 over there. I'm still holding out hope though for my KZ release date. The promise of KZ and Resistance in the near future definitely contributed to my purchase. Do you think BBS Volume 2 will be announced/dated? I would be pretty psyched

Wasn't the actual Vita announced at an event in Japan though? I think there's still a good chance some Western games will be talked about.

BBS Volume Two and a Vita port of Final Fantasy Type-0. Please SE, PLEASE!!!

Lumines is darn good. That was the system seller for me.

I'm hoping for cross play with the PS3 version. Now that would be a killer app.

Killzone Vita. Give me a release date please. And, Sucker Punch, would it kill you to make an Infamous side story? Or port Festival of Blood. I just want some sweet sandbox action on the go.

Fairly sure today or yesterday was a maintenance day. And, IMO, Lumines is better than Tetris. That soundtrack...


The Show is amazing. You're in for quite a treat.

Now playing

Either this came out today or Reddit's a liar. But yeah, new Avengers trailer. And I continue my PS Vita friend whoring. Add me- addict1994.

LOVED this video. Liam Neeson is the freaking man.

I got your request and accepted. Lumines only has online leaderboards unfortunately. Head to head is restricted to local play, which was a stupid idea. There are two cool other online features though. One is the world block. Each day, the community is given a massive block to destroy, and if the community succeeds and

Lost Legacy (or rather, the concept and ideas behind it) became Revelations. I'm convinced that's why it was so bad- the team was basically putting a 3DS game on consoles. Stupid greedy Ubisoft.

If you don't buy Lumines, there is no reason to buy a Vita. Seriously, the game is that good. And add me on PSN- addict1994

The Unit 13 demo was so good. I'll hopefully get the full game at some point near its launch. I would have picked up Rayman Origins and some PSN games, but I decided to splurge for the 3G version. Get Lumines! It's tons of fun. And add me- addict1994. Always looking for more friends.

I got an iPad 2 for Christmas. Pretty awesome gift, I was happy when I got it. Last week, I realized the 3 would be coming out in a matter of weeks and it would probably be quad core. I then got angry and almost broke my 2.

I noticed that. Ugh. What's the hashtag for technical help?

What other games did you get? Uncharted and Lumines are both really good and deserve your time.