
-I'm fairly sure all games play

Here's what the Uncharted wiki says ([] There's still a supernatural element, as the creatures (formerly human) seem to be almost immortal.

You can raise 8k if you do the fundraising listing right. There were some tips in a Wired article about Kickstarter ([] Basically, make a video of you and your team talking about the game, maybe showing a basic demo, and raising the money will be a whole lot easier. Also, I have a question. How are you

I still don't understand why ND put yetis in U2. Was it a "well, we had a ridiculous supernatural element in the first game, let's do the same with U2?" If U3 features mummies, I will be filled with a yeti esque rage.

Congrads. You just successfully trolled two starred and two regular commenters.

Definitely post links. I know some blogs like Engadget post regular Kickstarter links to products that look cool, and your game sounds like it would fit in that category. Best of luck, and let me know if you port to Android :).

MW3 looks like more of the same. I'll probably play it due to my CoD addict brothers, but my personal FPS vote will be going to BF3. I just wish the MP cap was more then 24. MAG had 256, and Resistance had 40 as a launch title. But yeah, my gaming purchases for the rest of the year will probably look something like

What part are you on? Hated the game once I got to the OMG zombies part.

Sorry for the late reply (in Florida since Sunday night). Are you enjoying I2?

Get Infamous 2. NOW! The karmic choices are expanded (you get ice or fire powers based on good or evil karma alignment) and the endings are drastically different. Plus, the side missions are way more varied.

Reminds me of this (darn video won't embed):

Pewpew. Awesome Geometry Wars esque shooter. The first is free and comes with 4 modes + leaderboards, the second is $3 I think but has a full fledged campaign.

Case in point: the Wii.

Sorry for the second post, but this is an important question. Is anyone else having issues with the mobile site? I can't scroll down half of the time, especially when I hit all threads. G2 with standard Android browser if that helps.

Seconded. Close Encounters is one of my favorite movies, and I got a similar vibe from Super 8. It's basically Abrams' love letter to Spielberg. The acting was great- loved Kyle Chandler and Elle Fanning, who is adorable and 10x the actress her sister is. I saw it at midnight Thursday, and my friends and I walked out

What's the best Gameloft game available? I know it's basically asking which property they ripped off best, but Gameloft's online store has all of their games for $5 and I need a decent game for my phone (G2) as I'm going on a lengthy trip tonight and tomorrow. Also, Infamous 2's good ending is amazing.

Fairly sure there's going to be at least draft pick roster updates. I could be wrong.

You can redownload stuff for PS3.

The sequel is much better about the side missions. I don't think there's a single Uplink mission, and I've only seen one or two Spy Games missions. Definitely rent the second one at least- it fixes almost every issue you could find with 1.

bmc811. Always looking for more Kotakuites to add as friends on PSN.