
Yeah, you're right, which sucks. Free Radical closing was probably the death blow in regards to a major franchise installment. Battlefront 2 was just so amazing, and the PSP ones were pretty good. Why can't LucasArts get it together?

All this E3 is missing is SWB3. I can dream, can't I?

Thanks mate.

Enjoy it. Infamous is tied with CoD4 as my favorite game of this generation. Sony deserves major props for making it free.

Does Dead Nation have MP? And bmc811 is my tag (picked up WHD as well)

The demo's so awesome. I wish it didn't cut out before the end of that last mission though. And do let me know if you manage to break street date with I2.

It's an Infamous weekend in honor of school getting out (and exams finishing!). I need to hit 50% shards to get the two bonus power cores in I2, and it wouldn't hurt finishing my evil campaign for the 1000 bonus XP for my I2 evil playthrough. Of course, the I2 demo will be replayed as well, multiple times. The demo is

I do a bit of traveling, and the family PS3 is often hogged by my siblings. Fair enough?

Even better!

Looks amazing. Doubt it'll be a launch title due to Uncharted 3 coming out in the same time period, but will be a day one buy whenever it does come out. Also, have there been any sandbox games announced for the PSV? Infamous would be amazing portably.

I'm incredibly excited to be playing Uncharted on the go. And like Anti said, Little Deviants and the new Super Stardust and Wipeout titles look more up your alley.

The CDC just announced how to prepare for a zombie outbreak. So ya never know, vampires and werewolves could be next...

"But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

I think it'd be based off political parties. Left vs Right.

Read Empire by Orson Scott Card. That's what Shadow Complex was based off of.

Mobile site can't comment. You have to go to the full site...which sometimes redirects back to the mobile. It's been an issue for a while, and Gawker needs to make a mobile app with comment support.

Wow. This definitely justifies me getting the Hero Edition. Thanks for the info.

I really need to rent this. A slower shooter seems up my alley because I loved MAG, but I just keep hearing terrible things from everyone. I'll never know why Splash Damage didn't do a beta.

Great game. I put at least 50 hours in. The combat's fun and accessible, and somehow the whole synthesis system made me enjoy grinding. Story's fantastic as well. My second or third favorite PSP game.

How is the Infamous 2 beta? I didn't get in despite my deepest hopes. Cannot wait for the 7th.