
Did you get my PM?

Do I need to download Wordpress as well? And my Docs/Standard email are the same. I'll pm them to you. The profile thing is done. Awesome.

For the immediate future, once to twice a month. I'll be out of the country on missions the next week and a half, and then making up school work with exams immediately following is going to be a pain. Once I get out of school though (June 7th, I think) I'll be able to do 3-4 a month. Looking forward to working with

I'm definitely interested. I'm a Christian high school student interested in majoring in English or PolSci, so I tend to have a bit of a unique take on things. I've seen your site before- very well done. Gaming wise, I have a PS3 and Wii, and this gen was my first serious dive into video games, so my favorite games

Watching that and Jericho on instant ATM. Good stuff all around and Netflix has saved me so much money TV episode wise.

Yeah, Crytek bought FR after the Battlefield 3 debacle. Still want to see that game!

Same goes to you my friend. I've only met a few atheists/non religious people I respect, and you're certainly one of them. Cheers to you.

Just doing a quick comparison of prices...8GB is anywhere from $100 to $250. Hmm...if prices come down it'll be reasonable, but otherwise Sony should stick with 4GB.

True enough. Wasn't the RAM on the PS3 not true RAM, but rather shared?

My mistake. My above definition is always how it's been presented to me.

Again, my mistake. Exact specs aren't my forte, and my above definition was how it's always been presented to me.

My mistake. That's just always how it's been presented to me. Apologies all around.

Crytek's not being unreasonable by any means. Look at Moore's Law ([] Computing power doubles every two years. The PS3 will have been out for approximately 7 years when a successor is announced (2006-2013 or thereabouts). 7x2 is 14. Other consoles made similar jumps from generation to generation. In

...By any definition, Crysis 2 was a "GREAT" game. It was one of the best FPS I've played in years due simply to it not being a CoD clone. Decent story (although the main character not saying but one line was lame) and the MP was what I expected. Face it, devs basically have their hands tied in the MP realm. Not much

The amount of crap religion in general receives around here is ridiculous. There are quite a few Christian commenters (including myself) but wisely we've learned to stay quiet except in threads like this.

Add on Fireflight, Anberlin, and Skillet to those music groups and you've got my entire list. Christian entertainment is (mostly) terrible. I've seen ONE good Christian movie ever. Ted Dekker feels like a bad Stephen King ripoff. I'd rather read or watch the originals and enjoy the quality.

There are popular Christian themed video games. It's referred to as "Call of Duty".

G2. Has the best keyboard I've ever typed on. And it's still one of the best HTC phones spec wise.

1.5 GB updates...thanks Sony. Couldn't have mentioned that in the store?

Looks like I'll be noobing it up on SOCOM 4 tonight. If you want to own someone, PSN's bmc811. No mic though.