Kotakuites, get over your general dislike of emo bands and check out MCR's new CD. It is awesome and a different (great) sound for them. The concept is unoriginal, but the execution is spot on. Definitely worth a listen. And happy Thanksgiving to all!
@xhedgehogx: The picture's from the first book when they're fighting Matthew Patel. Patel was dancing and rhyming words, so Scott and his friends had to do the same.
@Aklost: Black Ops all the way. Far superior game in all ways to Modern Warfare 2.
@Trey: My point exactly. In the movie she was sarcastic funny, but that was it. There were scenes where she looked like a dude. Minus her and Cera though, the casting was spot on.
@Rompehamster: Yeah, what was up with the casting of Kim? In the graphic novels, she's decent looking.
@Ryan_Long: Such a good flick. If only frickin' Michael Cera hadn't played Scott. If his life had a face, I would punch it.
@slashrandom: And they're calling the 3DS one "KH:3D" with the 3D standing for some subtitle (which I call bull on).
@allstaraugustine: Dude, Birth By Sleep is awesome. Best combat system of any KH game. Once you get the hang of them, shoot locks change the way you approach battles, and the regular deck is fun and easy to use. Must buy.
@LethalKi11ler: This times 100. I want my KH3 to have the BBS deck (best in the series).
@Xiandel: KH3 will be for PS3 if the generation goes long enough. And I'm hoping for an HD collection with every game in the series (including spinoffs) for PS3. Pipe dream, but it's realistic.
@Modus11: Hey, BBS was GOOD.
@zetopazio: Hoping for that for PS3, as I haven't played any of the others besides 1, 2 and BBS.
@ultimaaa: I doubt they're testing out gameplay concepts. The BBS deck was the best one a KH game has ever had, and all the team has to do is transfer that.
@madammina: No advertising for CoM is understandable, because it was just a port. I do find it odd that BBS and 358 weren't advertised heavily, because they were both on handhelds that most kids have. I remember Disney channel promoting KH1+2, but yeah, in the occasional glances I give that channel now there's not…
@Inkiw: I would actually watch this if Bay directed. Say what you want about his movies, but the action is entertaining in the majority of them.
@madammina: I'm a Go owner, so I had to borrow a friend's 3000 plus the game. Would have been so much easier if Disney had allowed digital distribution, because then I could have had faster load times as well. As for advertising, I saw a bunch in Game Informer (as in major full page ads).
@bakana: Are you a Wii only owner? Doesn't it bother you that the big exclusive you had been promised is now going to the other consoles, with HD graphics and online play to boot? If EA adds online in to the Wii version, I'll shut my mouth and eat my words, but as it stands, EA has royally screwed over Wii owners by…
Anybody else want an Apr.1 release date?
The odd thing is that Best Buy and Target still have Elite releasing on Tuesday, at least in their weekly ads.