
If it was you or me that was killed? It’d be on our heads. But you know because it was someone famous, it’ll be Fiat Chrysler on the hook for it.

If they announce all of the bridges, ships, etc coming as DLC, I’ll pony up the cash.

Calhoun is a fucking riot. That reminds me, I need to check if they put out more books. Last I knew he was slaughtering a galaxy or dimension or something.

Sony’s “Best of E3" Sale has also started today, at least in North America:

Sony’s “Best of E3" Sale has also started today, at least in North America:

PS2s got a late-in-gen model that had a network card built in... never got a HDD built in, though...

People who complain about gotcha boxes must absolutely lose their minds over mount farming and the like in WoW.

Well, chalk one up for HR doing the right thing!

Was this before or after the report? That’s absolutely horrendous, but I was wondering what HR did / what the guy did after the report, since that seems to have been the open question in this conversation, whether HR is worth a damn for the abused/assaulted.

I kinda wish it was a racial issue. I mean, if Brock was everything he was, just black, he wouldn’t have made it to jail, and the victim would have the piece of mind of knowing that her rapist got his.

You need to hit up rule 34 for that, not Kotaku. Sorry!

So what happened?

I can’t figure out for the life of me what is going on there.

What kinda establishment is that, that they already have a “Loose Arm in the Ball Pit” Alarm?!??

So they’re going to add in more gratuitous shots of the Millennium Falcon, C-3PO, R2D2, young Luke and Leia, etc etc etc?

“Gamers” are one of the population groups that are so vile that they could stand to have an example set drawn from the teaming masses of shittiness, put up against the wall, and shot as an example to keep the rest in line.

Is it really a raid though if they had the owners permission? Isn’t that just... removal?

Is it just me, or is that music strongly evocative of both Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy? Like, “SQUARE ENIX gonna sue somebody (if it wasn’t their game)“ evocative?

That... that would be brutal... I still can’t get through the end of ST2 without breaking up... ANOTHER one?

Five bucks says he goes bad and it was Ultron all along.

Just a question, and I’m sure I’ll get ripped apart over this....