
I was the first girl in the history of our grades 3-6 softball league to get kicked out of a game by the ump. He called me out on a pitch that bounced on the plate and I threw my bat against the fence. I’ve never lived it down.

I once witnessed someone heckle George Carlin, and to see him eviscerate the moron was a special moment in Getting Fucking Owned History.


I have a major crush on Peter Dinklage. This made it worse.

I just read that. So chilling.

I got about halfway through it and had to turn it off. I can only handle so much secondhand painful awkwardness and embarrassment. Truly, one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen.

And what a terrible way to die. She probably had time to be fully aware of the pain she was in and that her worst fear was being realized—that she would die at her own family’s hands. Just awful.

That video is a thing of beauty.

Oh my god, that account is so perfect. I got my MA in English and can’t tell you how many d-bags in the program sounded JUST LIKE THIS. One dude in particular loved to work the word “trope” into any conversation. Like, you could be chatting about Jared Leto’s dick size and somehow it would become him talking about a

No! Off I go to check it out. Thanks!

On the one hand, I love the idea of old-fashioned correspondence, like where people wrote long, meaningful letters to each other.

Or, there’s always the old standby: “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

Anna, loaded silences and hooded stares can speak volumes. Let the dillhole squirm and splutter his way out on his own.

Oops, I just posted something similar. Should have read on before posting. Still, though—total Catch-22.

Agreed, and that creates another issue of crowds queuing up outside the metal detectors. It basically just moves the target back outside the venue. I just heard an NPR story on this—seems like a series of tradeoffs, no matter what we do. Bomb blasts are more deadly in enclosed spaces, and any type of security

BOOM. I'm so relieved! With the current state of affairs, I had my doubts if the justices would see reason.

God, those stories are so fucked up and scary (and way too common). I'm sad and disgusted on your behalf. You have my support and heartfelt wishes for peace.

The detail about the single tear sliding down the girl’s cheek broke my heart. That half hour was probably an eternity to her.

Every element of this story is so awful, but what I really can’t wrap my mind around is the idea that a person is nothing more than an object to be bartered or used. This pernicious mindset has infected humanity for so long, and it’s especially dangerous to women and girls. Whether it’s slavery, or a Stanford athlete