
I originally joined Mensa because I was unemployed and hoping for another place to network. Unfortunately the people in the Mensa LinkedIn group are so fucking annoying that I now have no desire to go to an in-person meeting or activity. I like to debate, but not ALL. THE. TIME. Now I just stay a member because my

You are taking me far too seriously. Of course I don't wish mentally disabled children on anyone. I wish them average children. They would just think they are stupid compared with their own superior intellects. I assume if they are arrogant enough to seek each other out, it would kill them to have non-genius

I was always thought Mensa was for people who feel the need to prove their intelligence- for example, there are a some porn stars in Mensa, but not so many nuclear physicists. What the hell would they do at meanings- I wonder if it's puzzles and games or just a big circle jerk.

There's no such thing as I.Q., there's only aptitude and disposition towards one thing or another. I.Q. is just the dick measuring of psychology. Yet if you believe in it, you're probably well matched with someone who does as well.

I can't handle the fact that so many people who are allegedly geniuses are behaving as though IQ is some sort of reliable metric for measuring anything other than, well, IQ.