
She did this song for her wedding. But the “We will love long, long time” was only 1997–2000.

Look at my mad kung fu hacking skillz, dog.

I want someone like Ying Cracker.

The best way to eat and play at the same time.

Did anyone notice that the Apple WWDC is going on at the same time as E3 this year (13-17th)? I’m sure the tech bloggers are not happy.

Well if they kept the language learning in the game they could of used it in the movie. They start off with the orcs talking in Orcish and then as a few lines go by start adding more Common words till they are speaking in Common. Then you could go “Hey, I leaned Orcish.”

Please tell me I will soon be able to make a Lego Diminsions team with Scooby Doo, Harley Quinn, Darth Vader, Deadpool, and Sitch.

Crysis 2 example:

How about a Fox village?

Use GWX Control Panel to disable the windows 10 update and remove the icon by the clock.

Star Citizen free fly week with all the flyable ships.

I thought you meant steering wheels.

Well game over. They turned off the counters, or all the dislikes broke YouTube.

No ball form, no buy.

This is looking more like another Watch Dogs. They make it look all pretty and all then things in the first E3 demo and then start cutting things out and dropping details. I was kinda looking forward to the part of controlling a drone flying around to help players using a phone/tablet, but that got cut about a year

Some 70-something-year-old Oompa Lompa

How about Chibi-Washington?