Nielsen is an absolute fucking joke. How they still manage to be the “standard” for measuring tv ratings is beyond me. Sadly their poor ratings have been the death of many seemingly popular tv shows.
Nielsen is an absolute fucking joke. How they still manage to be the “standard” for measuring tv ratings is beyond me. Sadly their poor ratings have been the death of many seemingly popular tv shows.
Slight tangent, the “binge” watch culture that has been cultivated actually pisses me off. When Luke Cage came out, people on my timeline, even super close friends (call them family), had pretty much watched all of it by the end of the weekend. Of course they want to discuss, have feelings etc, but I have a super…
Sure, being ugly makes things harder, just as being good looking makes things easier. However, most people are not that ugly. The vast majority of people are...honestly...unremarkable. Like 95-98 out of 100. It’s an ocean of mediocrity. And the older you get, the more things trend towards the middle. Beauty vanishes…
The problem with the poors is that they hang out with the blacks and the mexicans and then they catch the lazy. Low energy, sad.
This sounds like a reason to intentionally avoid participating, just to own my unborn descendants. The posthumous troll job is the best troll job.
I feel like every once in a while, Jezebel tests the waters with these ‘stripping is a valid and empowering life choice!’ articles. Nope, sorry folks, this is still a degrading and dehumanizing job that perpetuates the patriarchy and abuse if women. Let’s focus on getting these hardworking women safe and actually…
“If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?”
Kali ma. Kali ma! KALI MA, Shakti deh!
The administration and Presidents of universities are often very conservative people. Conservative people who are completely out of touch with their students since they spend so much time palling around with one-percenters donors.
I wish they’d let me opt out of that goddamn self-employment tax (nothing will make a Randian libertarian out of someone faster than paying the whole 15.3 for SS and Medicare) and let me invest that money.
You could even pass a law saying you have to put a certain percentage of your income into federally qualified…
Meanwhile, the actual rich people will continue to fly on their own jets and completely avoid TSA and the rest of the cattle call experience.
If you advise someone and he/she doesn’t ever listen to your advice, are you really advising anything?
I’m not convinced the votes will be there in this form. Politico isn’t either; what’s not mentioned in that article is that there are probably enough Freedom Caucus members who still won’t vote for this in its rumored reincarnation to create major problems. There’s good reason Boehner stepped down; dealing with 40…
They really don’t care about us. Democrats, Republicans, and whatever else they call themselves. Obamas, Hillaries, Trumps, and everyone else. They only care about power and more power. Some are better, some are worst but in the end it is all the same. They make us fight amongst ourselves, Black vs White, Straight vs…
Well it seems to be fucking up the point of the original statue. The bull isn’t a hooray Wall St power symbol, it was meant to criticize the insanity of greed driving the market to collapse. It is a big fuck your false idol installation, but now everyone is like yeah girl SHOW THAT BULL which makes the girl the…
you can check the CFPB consumer complaints database
Free People actually has some nice under-$100 pairs:
Free People actually has some nice under-$100 pairs:
It’s bizzaro world on Wall Street! The more tangible product you have, the less you’re worth!
If you end a relationship everytime you start to feel a little unhappy/regretful, you’ll end up never finding a lasting relationship. I’ve been with Mr. Minkoff 17 years. We have a pretty good life, but I’d be lying if I said there weren’t times I thought about what ifs and other options — I’m sure he does as well.…