
It’s basically the same shit as some companies I’ve been involved with have “work 10%/20% less time for 10/20% less money”. I never did this, but lots of acquaintances did and you end up doing the same amount of work, jammed in 20% less time with 20% less pay.

This “worry” gets squarely put on the list of “things only 5 people on this planet give a fuck about”.

Lots of truth. And the perfect example of an abusive relationship. Just as so many women stay with men who beat the shit out of them, simply because they can’t comprehend a way out and because “it’s their fault” for being beatup, or because the man holds the money. Sounds familiar yeah?

It’s not the end of the world. Europe needs the UK, and the UK needs Europe. They will work something out. EU or not EU. It’s just a bunch of posturing on both sides and dick waving with the grand goal of not letting the UK leave, because if that actually does happen there will be at least 2-3 other countries doing a

It’s basically the equivalent of ESTA. Europeans can’t just enter the US without doing jack-shit either. This is basically what we do to them, they do to us. What I’m surprised with is that it took them so damn long (pretty much all visa relations are done on reciprocity basis).

People who are on tight budgets should not be buying 30K vehicles. Period.

Order a coke, tea, coffee, juice. Tell them you don’t drink. If it’s a first/second date and you don’t want to talk about it - tell them “let’s leave this topic for later, what do you think about xyz...”.

Came here for the advice of “dump the contents of glitter bottle in their room, and tell them to clean it up while they sulk”. Leaving disappointed.

And you just want to tell people what to do? If you’re equating the black plague with tickling a child you should share whatever drugs you’re using, cause it must be some good shit!

Leave it to overzealous politically correct hacks to suck all the childhood fun out of life. Don’t tickle kids, don’t give them candy, don’t smile at them you pedophile you, don’t hug them, don’t look at them funny, don’t say “atta boy” because what if they identify as a female, don’t tell them what beautiful hair

Watch yes. Listen no. Wouldn’t change my statement or opinion either way. Those still images in the video tell you all you need to know.

Religion, regardless of its flavor or where you live, is so extremely weird!

Your dog died. Is this one of the first things you bring up when you see person X? (and I don’t mean moping about on facebook - I mean in person within the first minute)

Or you can do the asshole move which is always an option and just say “Sorry I can’t and have no idea when or if I’ll ever be able to. Bye!” Especially if that person is an “acquaintance”. Perhaps I’m an asshole, or I have too many people in my life (or both), but I have zero guilt about saying this to almost anyone.

It’s the same mantra over and over and over again till the cows come home - buy Japanese till the US automakers figure it out (if they ever do).

I’ve found that sitting on the couch prevents 99.99% of all sweat (as long as you don’t live in Arizona, or Texas or something with no AC).

You are either a vegan and immune to your kind’s constant moping about to everyone about animal rights and anti-meat rhetoric that you’re not noticing it, or you simply don’t know many vegans.

Was it a vegan party? It was ruined from the getgo and your vegan friends couldn’t do anything worse to it.

The bill needs to be one paragraph long AT BEST. It should simply state: