Absolutely not road legal. If you’re parked sure, but if he’s on the actual road he’ll get ticketed faster than Santa’s deers can shit on his car.
Absolutely not road legal. If you’re parked sure, but if he’s on the actual road he’ll get ticketed faster than Santa’s deers can shit on his car.
I hate Amazon wholeheartedly. Would love nothing else than to not give them a single cent.
Here’s a novel idea - don’t tip anyone! You use services provided by people/companies - these same people/companies charge you for these services whatever the going rate it - you agreed to that rate and paid it. Case closed!
I hate lootboxes as much as the next guy. But it’s simple - don’t fucking buy them! Stop supporting companies that use them, and give your money to companies that don’t (still plenty of them out there).
People who complain about having to work at home baffle me. I do both home and in the office, so I can constantly do the comparison. And I can flat out tell you that unless you’re one of those OCD people that sees no purpose in life other than working (you know the same people who don’t take vacations because they…
Generally I subscribe to that. But I try to also do more active management on my portfolio.
Don’t feel bad for him, his family or his friends. He’s a dumbass. Died like a dumbass.
Until Websatchel dies a miserable death like countless other websites before it, and takes with it all your saved crap.
I want to hate everything about that (because I’m just a social media hater, and strongly believe kids don’t need a smart phone till they’re at least 17) ..... but I can actually see how this strategy can work really well!
Sure, says one of the people who probably can’t simplify an equation. The comparison of a million to a billion or a trillion is perhaps confusing to 5th graders, or people with that level of mathematical knowledge. You remove the zeros and simplify it and you can see how much of a difference it is. You really don’t…
Well, to be fair most Americans have a difficult time multiplying even simple figures like 12 x 8 for example. But yeah I don’t think it’s humans in general. Americans are just truly bad at math (generally speaking). This is not a problem in Europe and the “good” parts of Asia.
Americans are so freaking fat and lazy (or don’t have time because they have to work 3 jobs) that instead of doing something about increasing the amount of exercise (which was pretty low to begin with), we’ll just reduce the baseline to fit the lowest common denominator! That’s the American way! Fuck yeah!
Get off my lawn!
Sure, or you can just buy the 3 pound of frozen shrimp bag (same food as red lobster) for $15 from Costco, and pig out on the couch in your skivvies for the same price. Plus those trips from the couch to the oven to get the new batch will help you shimmy food down your stomach so you open up more space.
I have worked at probably what 20 companies, and I have friends and ex-colleagues in probably hundreds more, I have never, ever heard of anyone using Myers Briggs for anything other than online dating profiles and random shit like that. So if this is actually a thing, it must be very, very limited (and you shoulnd’t…
In most (all?) states there are laws on the books that allow you to take paid time off to vote, if your work hours prevent you from voting. Look it up. Stop panicking over simple shit.
Uhhhh .. a) wear a sweater/jacket/whatever to mitigate this; b) don’t go. Really what kinds of dumbasses are asking questions these days.
I dunno, all that shit is just annoying to me. I no longer go to dealerships. Period. I’d rather deal with sometimes flaky sellers on Craigs List, but if you’re smart about watching out for few obvious red flags when inspecting the car - I’ve found it a MUCH better experience than going to a dealership. And I’ve owned…