
One gazillion percent this. Kate either lives in an entirely different universe, or she’s the one who is in need of new friends.

Shake Shack is not terrible, but is mediocre at best. When you pair it with the ridiculously high price they charge you (for what you get), every one of the 6-10 times I’ve eaten there has felt like a fucking highway robbery.

“How to raise a healthy vegan kid?” - Don’t raise them on a freaking vegan diet. They already will be fucked up enough because of you, at least give them a chance not to develop even more allergies to everything in life, because you chose to feed them beets and oatmeal 24/7.

Yeah sounds like both of them were dicks. But the show relies on Crawford’s charisma and role WAY more than it does on Wayans. He is the salt that made Season 1 incredibly entertaining.

Does Asian porn count? Because I’ve been supporting that for a very long time!!

Tell that to every insurance company in California. Perfect driving record for well over 2 decades, and without any changes, my insurance (liability only) went up 25% one year, and 20% the next. Everyone I talked to, including the dumbass California Insurance comission, fed me the line of “We had to re-evaluate our

I agree with all of that a gazillion percent. You need way more stars

Yeah, right. Maybe it works for agreeing on “hey let’s end up calling this one Joe”, but as anyone who’s had to force a kid to eat an asparagus, it doesn’t matter if 100% of the people are for it - opinions won’t be changed.

Yes, and if you don’t post such a happy official tweet - you’re fired.

Simple - if it’s STEM - yes. If not - then it doesn’t matter. You’ll still be making less than the other folks, and more than likely won’t be working in anything even remotely resembling the classes you took. Just try to go through college without accruing hundreds of thousands in debt with a degree that will land you

He is pretty damn fine actor! But he’s not a James Bond. But I also hate the choice of Daniel Craig (he looks more like a Russian than a Brit), so what do I know.

Diaspora is immediately what I thought of. The idea of fragmentation appeals to your average nerd, but unless the average illiterate user can sign up and find what they need without hand holding - it will go the way of the dodo (or just remain obscure for a limited number of fans).

“a lead role”? What pray you, are you smoking? Lead role? That’s like saying Bill Paxton was the lead in Titanic.

There’s a whole bunch of them in Los Angeles. Which makes sense I guess. Been to a couple of them a couple of times. Honestly nothing out of the ordinary that I can tell. A gym is a gym. But I’m also not a bodybuilder or gym rat, so I may be missing some obvious things.

Agree to a decently large extent. You just have to also teach your kids that’s it’s more than ok, it’s actually heavily encouraged, to say “fuck off” and walk away from anything and everything that is not 100% kosher with them. What their “friends” (or even worse strangers) think of them is completely irrelevant and

The answer is - FUCK NO! If I’m having a $100 bottle of wine, no fucking way in hell am I tipping $20 to just bring the bottle in.

Idea: Make an editorial/user submissions on how data hogs deal with this. I don’t mean people who have like 200GB, I mean people who handle 40TB and up. Curious to see what others do.

But the thing is that you have to do something to force a change. If you keep buying their shit - they’ll keep making it as is, because hey, people are buying it.

Functionality wise on pockets - I agree 100%. Though a part of me will be sad as a stuffed pocket (at least on a man) looks hideous. I try to keep my wallet small, but bulging pockets is not a good look.

That’s one of those things that depends on a shitton of factors.