
I’m sorry you feel inadequate with your penis.

Call me an old fart, but I want to spend $60 on my game and own it and play it as often as I want (or not) and then turn around and sell it.

Maybe insignificant or maybe not, but how many ACTUALLY know who the director is. I love movies. I probably watch 6-7 a week, easy. Unless it’s something like Scorsese, Tarantino, etc. 99% of the time I don’t even know the director’s name (even if I actually saw it in the credits). And I would review shit all the

Shhh! They get paid by # of words written. They have to stretch it for as long as they can to get to the same point.

Its simple: if his lips are moving he’s either lying, or mumbling something incoherently. I have a 4 year old cousin who forms better sentences than him.



It’s a feel good “movement” that won’t do shit. Like most others. It’s solely to make yourself feel a little bit better about yourself. Oh and also to make you feel like you “belong”. Great - the straws thing will perhaps at best solve 0.0001% of our plastic problems. It’s so insignificant in the grand scheme of

A) Nobody rich and sane wants a UPS truck.

People BBQ once a year?

Meh. The last couple of Prime days I think I bought nothing. But people are generally price uneducated and just because you blow “fanfare” in the air they think it’s a killer deal.

God, they’ll let anyone be a PhD these days. And an author? Come on!

No. I’ve worked on holidays. It sometimes sucks, it sometimes doesn’t - it’s part of the job. You’re not a special unique snowflake just because you are a server. A server is a job, same as a line cook, ticket agent, TSA monkey, bus driver, janitor, call center, etc. These people work during holidays too. You don’t

This should be taught at the beginning and end of every grade from kindergarten to the summary of your PhD paper. Sure, you may end up being this one lucky bastard that manages to get it all, but odds are you’ll end up as what you’re describing.

Yeah let’s call this fucking dumb, like most generalizing ever. But you know clickbaits. This VARIES A LOT! If you live/work/shop within a 2 mile radius - sure. If you live 25 miles away, commute 6 days a week, have to do trips in between, have to drop off kids, pick up kids (school/practice/friends/etc), drive

If I wouldn’t get sued I’d bitch slap every single scooter rider for being an asshole. Stop sign - I’m just going to zoom past that, crosswalk - yeah that’s for me, traffic light - nah who bothers with this shit I’ll just “jaywalk”, crowded sidewalk - honk honk get out of my way!. And then when you’re done you leave

It depends on the partners and how they accept things. We for example have no problems with gawking. I will look at hot women and sometimes comment to her whether we’re in public, at a game, or watching tv movies, and she does the same at sports games and TV shows. It doesn’t matter, we both know it’s the same as

Lol “We are all led by females now. Our foundation, our new CEO is a woman.” means jack shit when it’s about a pageant show. If my one time peripheral involvement is any indication of the norm - the women in/around/on/involved in any way with these productions are batshit crazy and often more catty, snarky and

This .... SO much this ^^^. I want to bitchslap parents with a bat more often than I want to do that to the kids.