
"We're going streaking! We're going up the quad and to the gymnasium."

Three more shows before he gets to Radio City. Anyone think this traveling train wreck may not even make it to New York?

She's offended by the picture? Not the blaring headlines "THE SEX QUIZ" and "Get Naked!"?

Will this actually make them richer or bigger stars?

@overunderover: That would be ironic, considering Gov. Sandwich probably hasn't seen a salad in quite some time...

60 Sex Tips for Turning on Your Man:

@hildyburns: It appears his reputation precedes him.

Red Bull is OK, but I prefer Brawndo. It's got electrolytes.

@d3c509b aka Steve: I've been reading it as .299, like a batting average, when it's actually two-hundredths of a percentage point. Thanks for the clarification.

Her blood was 60 proof.

I know this is Russia, and all, but did anyone think to call the police? You know, before the angry mob beat him into submission?

@lorrigirl: If that's wrong, then I don't wanna be right!

If it's possible, I hate Hasselbeck even more than O'Reilly. At least Bill-O never tries to play it off that he's the least bit tolerant.

Meh. I prefer the Electoral College Fight Song.

@pssshwhatever: With Mama Grizzly in the running, it'll make the 2008 Democratic Primary race look like an Up With People tour.

At least he didn't throw firecrackers at anyone...