Stanovan Benchiano

I really don’t care what people think about whether it’s a person or not...but you CAN’T tell someone they have to leave something inside of them that they don’t want there. You just fucking can’t.

I don't happen to be a regular commenter so I wouldn't know Reno from a hole in the wall and this place is CRAWLING with shitheads. It's not that insane an assumption.

Oh. Weird.

The first time I visited the newest, sexiest club in town I sharted before I even bought my first drink. I feel your pain.

Haha, I was so hoping you'd come back to say that! I'm okay with everything now (I know you were wondering)

I have no idea how you misread that but...

I'm a little not okay with you shitting yourself and then soaking in a tub. The shit is still there.

You broads have it rough. I can't imagine dealing with that shit.

These post are fun, but should really be titled "Do My Job for Me"

I like Drew but that application is so try-hard-funny that I'm sick from second-hand embarrassment.

Derp. Didn't think of that. I just thought people were being all "ZOMG Olive Garden will SO know that I told on them if I use the name!"

My favorite part of the fourth season was the random Facebook sound they inserted in one episode that trolled the shit out of people.

This makes the whole Twin Peaks disaster a little less hurty.

I’d be kinda flattered if that many people were so obsessed with me, quite frankly. He’s still a shit and all...but it’s really weird how into hating him they are.

He’s going to announce that he, too, is a Latino voter.

Keep calm and never move on to new memes.

So underwhelming :-/

Digital pricing on films and TV shows is ridiculous. $20 for lower quality than a blu-ray? Why?

Who the fuck still has a long-distance plan?

I'm sure that you believe that. You could not be more wrong :-D