Stanovan Benchiano

I dunno, in my experience no one really gave a shit until they went to that one Superbowl in New Orleans.

You should have said "sorry honey, I care way too fucking much"

Haha, Uggsboy. You seem a *tad* bitter.

Although I'm from Boston, I actually don't give a shit about sports teams. I'm not going to lose sleep over a game I'm not playing in, after all.

It's funny, you say that and then I can clearly remember a time when no one around here gave a flying fuck about them. All that tells me is that there were an inordinate number of rubes willing to pay for season tickets for a shitty team.

That probably sucks. It also probably sucks to sign up for something and then not enjoy parts of it. It also probably doesn't suck to get paid obscene amounts of money to catch a ball and answer inane questions about it.

Did this gentleman attend college? Asking for a friend.

I'll never understand the "no dick shots" thing with that movie. For why?


I hope all five of them die. I don't need them breathing my air.

Good for you, dear.

I used to like Bob Kraft. That was until his wife was still warm and he jumped on the first blonde in her 20's he could find.

I already kinda do. I even feel bad killing the monsters that attack on-sight in Monster Hunter...but I feel nothing from killing virtual people :-/

I'd love to.

That's their problem, not the consumer.

People take football so seriously it's disturbing.

Resident Evil is the only series I can think of that makes people excited for a bad, outdated control scheme.

Don't they all? #shitfloss

Trick question, women aren't supposed to have bush.

What a stupid scumbag.