
@Prairie Moon: Luxury! We used to dream of shell casings....

@Liffey: I still sing the 'cat came back song' once in a while to my kids. #app

For serious browsing, I use SkyFire on my Q9h... if it's just to look up something quickly, Opera or IE get the job done.

@RoyS: I don't like how iTunes updates also include other software installs like Safari, Bonjour service, MobileMe and QuickTime updates. A standalone piece of software is nice once in a while.

I'm with Rogers in Canada. Started with a Moto Q9h with a $15 email plan (with 4Mb of surfing... useless) but upgraded to a $30 plan with 6Gb data... more than enough. I like using the Windows Live Traffic app when heading out after work.

Microsoft Natural Touch is my everyday keyboard, but I still miss the soft-click style of my Amiga 1000. It was nice and light like an Apple bluetooth (have one of those too for my N800) and comfortable to use on your lap, feet up on the desk.

If only they'd approved the .sex domain and require porn sites to use it, it would be a cinch to block at the router level.

In the fleet business, there's a rule of thumb that a minute of idling costs about 10 cents in fuel and maintenance (probably more after the price hikes this weekend). So, reducing idling by 10 minutes a day during the work week could save you $50/yr.

If you're really paranoid, take the shredded document, and put some of it in the garbage, and the rest in the recyling. That one, nobody can re-assemble them since parts will be missing.

Doesn't run on Vista Home Premium? So much for those who didn't plunk down the extra cash for Business/Ultimate for running older software.

I've read that AntiVir only scans outgoing email, not incoming. With floppy drives disappearing, seems like incoming email is the greatest risk for viruses, and therefore puts AntiVir down the list of software to use for day-to-day protection.

Similar to Thor222, use Parallels (or boot camp) for Windows XP functionality and download the free Microsoft Accounting Express.

There are no definite artists for me, but as long as I've heard the album/CD 20 times (or more - ACDC, Pink Floyd, Boss Brass) before and know what musical highlight is coming up, it's background study music.