
The persistently weird thing about this is: we know from looking it up on Wikipedia and such that most of these monsters have children and grandchildren. Do they imagine that they are gonna be able to purchase those children’s way out of the Hellscape that will be Earth’s environment? Do they think that there will

They are also angling to profit from the death and destruction caused by climate change. 

Oh there are plenty. Don’t be fooled! They’ll threaten us forever. 

Tell that to the literal hundreds of thousands of people who would die during your callous little tantrum. There is plenty worth saving you selfish little turd. Letting the GOP run roughshod over what good is left because you detonated the single party that stands against them is some top notch self-owning bullshit.

Nah. That smacks of some entitled foolishness and the harm that would befall those already struggling at the hands of this bullshit isn’t worth it when we can just actively work within the Democratic party to shift it left - which appears to be working.

I wouldn’t classify myself as anywhere near as progressive as some here, but I don’t know how anybody outside of those that are currently in power could like this. This doesn’t even just hurt minorities or women. It hurts ANYBODY that wants to create change. All this does is solidify the position of reps that are in

Hmmm. The DCCC intentionally fracturing and limiting their own party just before an incredibly important election...

Causing Ben Shapiro more embarrassment than he experiences day to day is quite a feat.

Ben Domenech, husband to Meghan McCain

I did and regret any embarrassment I caused @benshapiro and the @realDailyWire...

“Percieved attack on my family.”

A sincere “Please give me my job back.

But she’s really not though. Much like Phyllis Schlafly, if she were really the wife she claimed to be, she’d be at home 24/7 with no job and no other reason to live than her husband, kids, and religion while obeying his every command.


It’s how bullies operate. Instigate, then play the victim card upon any pushback.

I would think he’d be more forgiving

If I start a sentence to my wife with “Woman”, it had better be the start of a joke.   That shit doesn’t fly ( but her shoe will, at my face ).

Her “defending masculinity” is apparently just defending a man’s right to be shitty to women.

Yet no one defended me when I stood for masculinity and God’s design for sexuality

Denise wasn’t fired from The Federalist because they were offended by her homophobic tweets. Domenech saw the opportunity to fire Denise after she tweeted shit about his wife and took it.