
this is so sad. sorry buddy!

cats make great pets 1) I'd consider getting 2 either from the same litter or about the same age. 2) I'd make sure you aren't allergic

I was reminded that I live in the midwest today, and that "live and let live" mentality that I grew up with doesn't extend into the central time zone (Drew's article even made it to the local FM sports radio station.) When I'm feeling particularly masochistic, I'll read the letters to the editor in the newspaper


Live here in St. Louis (city, btw). Local radio had a segment about this article. Reaction included, among claims of cardinals exceptionalism, something about how Drew was raised.

know what's adorable? pedro on tbs

cardinals having the best fans in baseball is bullshit

bitches be crazy! i just watched katherine webb tuscaloosa buffalo bleu cheeseburger on tv!!

Works for me

Let's do that NLDS. Whaddya say?

fucking jets

yes! let's keep out the bad element

no see, Seau had retired

good thing you are so over it, cuz that's what happened (are you making this easy on purpose?)

sucks more than the infield fly rule?

Now playing

can't leave their bread and butter off this thread

I just might be wimpy, but I'm def gonna avoid the home page until this gets pushed to "next page"