
slow sports night

pizza rolls!

Jerry, the official's official

Remember when Vick came out all flashy pantsy and then later broke his leg during a preseason game? Similarily, I think Chip's party trick is this go-go dance. I think it's great to be f1rst! and all (and IANAC), but trying to rewrite the book as you go along is straight up megalomania.

Marshawn Lynch

2 comments. 1) Thanks but I already saw Inception, and 2) after 15 minutes? Godspeed my friend.

What's for dinner?

prob better than Old E and OJ, my old go-to beverage

to me, he doesn't seem close enough

NFLN coverage? meh

es el stinko!

He's lucky to have caught that last one

My days and nights are all mixed up. I had taken 2 weeks off from work and this last Monday was my first day back. My job is less than demanding and it's amazing how quickly inactivity gains momentum. Some marijuana if you got some?

Brendan Ryan goes to New York!!! See, all of that shoulder licking finally paid off

Marry me!

A few days late but this post was the motivating factor in deciding to join this donnybrook (and to have my comments go un-noticed). Some marijuana? If you got some.

God bless America!