
Stop using “SKIL saw” incorrectly. This is a SKIL saw:

This run of BB-8s won’t be around forever, whereas your child will be with you for a while. Babies want someone to play with more than wearing nappies. You can roll BB-8 out of the way if the baby gets too excited, because newborns can’t walk, and won’t crawl for a few months.

Agh! I cast Banish Dazzle! I cast Banish Dazzle!

In some versions, Otto’s also causes the target to provoke attacks of opportunity on their turn (because they’re dancing). If you can land this spell on the Big Bad for even one round, you basically give all of your melee characters an extra attack. Not only that, but it also drastically reduces the victim’s defenses

The reason Otto’s Irresistible Dance is 8th Level is because it doesn’t allow either a saving throw or magic resistance. No matter how powerful your opponent is (Draco-Lich, Demi-God, Squirrel Girl) you take them off the board for 2-5 rounds- rounds where they can’t hurt you, heal their minions, or teleport away.

Corpselight in Action

Sadly, that segment don’t consider a lot of people to be people.

They don’t consider girls to be people so that’s a nonstarter.

I love how most of these people default to “pussification” or “sissify.”

I’ve been playing violent games since I was 10 when I got Doom for DOS. And I’ve only murdered like 3 people.

There should be a law stating that once a franchise has struck out three times in a row, nobody can remake or reboot or otherwise touch it for at least 20 years.

Were’re gonna need a bigger bus.

Mainly because everything has seemed so wrong with the movie. the grim dark tone, pantsless Thing, whatever the hell Doom is supposed to be. He was making something, it just wasn’t a Fantastic Four movie as far as I could tell from everything that popped up in Morning Spoilers. The only good idea I saw was making

So now apparently “It’s clobberin’ time” is a thing Ben Grimm’s abusive older brother used to say just before beating him up.

Space crabs... are they as bad as space herpes?

It’s nothing guys, don’t worry about it. Just, go check out Mars, maybe take a nap and if you hear some scurrying, it’s just the janitor because uh... they mostly work at night... mostly.

OK, I’m not the biggest Realms fan, but since it’s a setting that’s more sword-and-sorcery than typical epic fantasy, it opens up a nice opportunity.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You just described every Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movie. They seemed to have done pretty well even if they are half garbage.

I bought a 2000 TJ last summer for a toy/second vehicle/something with a hitch. 4.0, no rust, 150k on the clock. $6000. Cheap abundance of parts and accessories. Simple to work on. Easily hauls dirt bikes and other shit on a 5x8 utility trailer. Drives great off road and is a lot of fun in the MN snow. I bought a CB