
And we also have to take into consideration where the vampire's soul was before it was reinserted into his or her body. Since the afterlife is a thing that is confirmed to exist in this universe, could it not be that their soul is off happily enjoying some heaven realm at the time of re-ensoulment? Would it not then

I just wish the Transformers weren't overly detailed looking junk.

This is what I've always loved about his Transformers movies, even when they miss the mark. They might technically be "live action" films, but they're so drenched in the maximalist beauty and bombast of the summer blockbuster that they still feel like the cartoons from whence they came. And like any good cartoon, they

I agree, the original was by far the best.

Never gets enough credit - awesome movie though

Craziest thing I've ever heard!

you said you'd keep this between us! :o

Flirting is the worst. Ban flirting and require humans to get to know one another via improvised interpretive dance battles.

I believe I have the invention right here! Oh no, I didn't invent it. It's elementary reading comprehension!

glad im not the only one who can and is willing to play stealthily. Honestly is this as good as it could've been? No. But much like AC1 it's a good game with unfortunate hype behind it and apparently all the cool kids are bashing it.

This is one of the worst reviews I've read on this site. And that's not to comment on Kirk's reviews as a whole because usually I agree with most of them. Clearly you're playing the game wrong. Can't tell you how many times I escaped areas or infiltrated a secured building without shooting a single bullet. Helicopter

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. Except for you these next few minutes, because I'm robbing you."

I always thought it was like this...

For a second there I thought I was looking at a Liefeld piece...

Digital alarm clocks: the embodiment of evil.

We've grown a lot. I've convinced my grandparents to quit hating on gay marriage and promoting capital punishment and to quit using the word "Colored". The only reason I could get them to listen to reason was because they couldn't argue with the values that Christ presented. Christ doesn't give two shits about D&D.

I prefer to just not piss on my hands. No need to wash them.

Remember the SOPA protest that occurred on various websites? They demonstrated what blackouts would look like and provided links to where we should protest instead.

We should do the same thing with Net Neutrality. Have a day where many of the big websites purposely load SUPER SLOW. Show some fake progress bar saying