
Touching upon the "Friends and Family" segment, my sister heard that I was trying to expand on my retro gaming collection, so she kindly offered up her old NES, in its original box, from her attic. After blowing about a decade's worth of dust off the thing, I slid the unit out of the cardboard, and flipped open the

I must agree, it seems like Ubi took a double-take at AC3 once they'd released it, and realized what had gone wrong. I mean, I understand what they were going for;

"Just for the story, really - it HAS to be better than AC3, which felt like a massive chore to get through."

I agree with you wholeheartedly. AC1 gets a large amount of flak, but I remember playing through the game, casing the assassination zone for nearly an hour, not doing anything but planning the kill. It made its execution that much more intense and enjoyable.

May I humbly nominate myself? I greatly enjoy the comments from this forum and would be honored to contribute back.

Can we get this person to the front of the line please?

I'm definitely on board with you. There was an underlying current that flowed through FF7 that made it particularly special to a lot of people, including me. I don't need a rebuiding, or a reimagining, only a mere refurbishing. Freshen the graphics, clean up the dialogue, and give me the same game I fell in love with.

Thank you for that. You brought my blood pressure down.

Thanks for the honorable mention. ^^ I plan on having ALL the fun when I get home.

The importance of slaves cannot be overstated here.

Exactly as auralgasm2 said, it is essentially impossible to keep someone from vaping, if they have a mind to do so. You cannot ban a battery. You cannot ban a steel tube. You cannot ban a heating element. The ingredients to create the vaping recipe are too common for a ban to be feasible, unless legislation is passed

If you don't mind prolonged stays at the 1000 Hells Motel during the interim, I think Buddhism may be for you, sir. ^_^

I, too, would take back Bruce Campbell.

Zero facial expressions? ZERO facial expressions??? I will have you know, sir or madam, that Constipation, is a face.

I've heard that when cats squint, that's actually their physical representation of smiling. If that's so, I've got a major case of the warm and fuzzies right now.

Thanks for hitting the nail on the head. Until these recent posts started popping up, I honestly never gave a thought to whether he was Gay, Straight, Bi, ect. To me, he was just Daryl. I find it kind of amusing that if you withhold this kind of information from the general public, it becomes something of an obsession

Dammit, can't I just get high? :*(

I would like to endorse the opinion of this comment by standing behind the poster (one David Drew Longey) and offering a flamboyant and wide arching *snapSNAPsnap* of my fingers.

Sorry, that was intended for sjepstein, I was trying to add to his comment, not be snarky toward yours. I enjoyed your primal insight. :)