Srchute Farms88

Wouldn't mind it if it was Her.

what did you just say?

No, he is the to science what Homer Simpson is to nuclear plant safety programs.

You'll have to pry my MacMini from my cold, dead hands.

Dogecoin... for when you demand to be taken seriously

Just how often do you climb ropes?

Wish I had known about this when I had gym class. I looked pretty sorry doing this as a kid. Now, I'll probably look just as sorry with slightly more swearing.

Quality is going to go down (or at least plateau), competition is going to go down, and prices are going to go up. Anyone who says otherwise is living in a fantasy world.

If they have the capability to make nuclear weapons, I'm not sure why hacking is beyond them.

Keep in mind that access to those things is incredibly limited...except when it isn't. The country's leadership may not care about things like educating their young in how to do things, but you better believe if an opportunity comes up to fuck with the capitalist pigdogs, the military will have all that they need to

Okay. So for you, you'd need a port. But my point is that not everyone does!

You think God is in control here? Ha-ha. I'm in control! I've been in control since the '50s, in case you haven't noticed! Ha-ha.

If your password is Blink182 you deserve worse than being hacked.

I've never heard or read "treasure strove" either, and when you google it they suggest "treasure trove", so is this an American English vs. British English spelling difference?

If you had handed a 2015 smartphone to someone in 1985, their brains would have melted. It's no hoverboard, but so what.

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Don't worry, they are all between 24 and 30.

If I were a terrorist, I'd already know this information.

The blade is plasma in a force containment field