
Hana is one of my favorite places in the world. Infact, just south of town is the final resting place of Charles Lindberg. I made a family heritage trip (he is a great great uncle of mine) to see his grave once and we decided that we would drive around the south side of the island as the sun was setting. There is a

Living in Virginia, I often wonder if the coyote howls I hear at night belong to a pack of hybrids like this

It's the same dynamic as a waveboard or ripstick, it just looks more difficult, and you can't do many skateboard tricks.

Good point, I should day: "Many promised applications"

How about the jet wing for his cape?

What about the technology Gizmodo reported on for making dvd's hold a huge amount of data by using a normal laser and another that cancels that one out?

How about the fumes it gives off when melting plastic?

Where will he be coming in the US?

The real question is how many seizures you can have in two minutes

It's not that I don't believe that global warming isn't real or that it isn't an issue, in fact I believe it will be the most pressing of all the problems we will face in the next century. I am a skeptic when it comes to the green peace lobbyists that try to use the term "global warming" to scare people and get their

I'm a skeptic when it comes to some claims of global warming, but when it comes to the science, we are technically still in an ice age and temperatures (especially in colder regions) should still be dropping. Thats just a fact.

Thats $25 well spent.

Thats $25 well spent.

If I usually run in stability shoes due to my over-pronation should I forget about these? In the past, the super minimal Nike racing flats have been out of the question because of my flat feet and need for a stability shoe.

You mean 5.39106(32) × 10−44 s? I'd say any day now!

Hey thats me!

I thought Chris had already returned to Earth?

Wouldn't the galaxy be red or blue based on how fast it's moving towards us or away from us according to the doppler affect?

Where's the dome?

10 for South Africa is "poop" what's wrong with this world?