
We do not speak of Belville in these halls.

Fortune in MGS2 (which contained nanomachines and had a mostly unplayable Solid Snake) was able to repel entire missiles without her electromagnetic device, proving she actually had supernatural powers all along.


Now that was charming. Strange considering I abhor toilet humor.

Except the girls were playing better in most cases. The twins were the first to make it to the end if the level.

What is this annoying trend with pointing out the color or shade of the post in comments?

Now playing

One other thing—that sounded like Pam Poovey playing solitaire.

Nothing phallic here. Nope. Not one bit.

Ghosts ‘n’ Goblins on the select screen. Subtle, yet poignant.

Really glad I wasn't the only one who thought this looked...off.

So is that how they’re quashing X-Men with this until-now circumstantial evidence of Marvel quietly downplaying outside studios movie rights of non-MCU characters? They’ve “lost contact” with them?

What’s all this hate for men’s hats? Are we not allowed to wear something other than a baseball cap for a change and oh, I don't know, have a sense of style?

That’s a trilby, not a fedora.

Is that Miranda Hart? What’s this from? I adored her in Hyperspace.

Supple moist, dank underpants.

You’re new here, aren’t you?


What would you “loose” exactly? Sounds like you’d lose if you did that.

...and pops a side wheelie all the way out.

So I guess you could say he took that tower out...