
Just when I thought we were rid of that grinning nightmare...

Meh. It wasn't grand larceny, more like petty theft.

Why thank you!

Eh. The image-within-a-silhouette idea’s the same, but the faces all become blatantly illuminated and they stick the actors themselves within. Plus the background images are dull and silly. It lacks any real drama.

...and? Details.

They probably haven’t even had time to properly react. They're likely conferring with legal to see I'd they can break the contract or even get in on some legal action that could net them some compensation.

Oh the humanity of the Falcon going down in the reactor!

December 31st more like a placeholder saying “sometime before the end of 2015”, and playing fast and loose until they set a firm release date, nothing more.

You underestimate the power of the chin, baby.

Playing it for a year now, never spent a dime.

Not liking where this image is heading. His other hand’s position isn't helping either.

That’s a very good Question.

Now playing

Actually, it’s been reported that they got Sam Rockwell to mo-cap that hillbilly.

Not gonna lie—I love the dramatic groundhog no matter what. It’s the perfect meme. Drama, pathos, comedy, the struggle of realizing one’s place in the universe and the moment of clarity of it all in under 10 seconds.

Well, there was whispering—you’re not wrong about that, but I thought it was just a jumble of comments indecipherable, like a cacophony of the dead’s cries or something.

Hmm. Missed the “daddy” thing (it may have been added in post for the final cut—mine was the first public viewing and was 95% finished minus some early CGI), but from what I knew of the other films I remember there were a bunch of kids in Thunderdome, so I thought that might have had something to do with it.

Y’know, when I saw this ten months ago I didn’t really understand the visions as well and let them know on the comment sheet (as well as letting them know not to change a single thing for fear of them effing up a perfectly-told, perfectly-edited, perfectly-shot story). Glad (or rather sad) to know the visions were