Because Hotel Transylvania cost $85 million and made over $358 mil, over 4 times what it cost. You greenlight the sequel faster than you can say Land Before Time 20: Littlefoot's Revenge.
Because Hotel Transylvania cost $85 million and made over $358 mil, over 4 times what it cost. You greenlight the sequel faster than you can say Land Before Time 20: Littlefoot's Revenge.
Speed runs are 1. Heavily time consuming and 2. Have limited appeal. Unless you play the game frequently, the vast majority of viewers can't be impressed because they have no frame of reference as to how long said game normally takes to finish.
Hey, missed one.
Normally I'd jump in and defend Illinois, but you're actually right—there are a ton of idiots here. Just this afternoon a guy in the lane next to me felt the stop sign was more of a suggestion and stopped 125% past the line with his car, essentially putting his vehicle squarely in the middle of the crossing, then…
Oh no, everywhere—the problem is L.A. "news" thrives on this sort of thing ever since O.J. It's a drug to them—they seriously cannot quit reporting this shit. They will break in on ANYTHING to bring you the latest car chase.
It's spreading to other cities, the "hot" meteorologists. Fortunately in Chicago WGN has one of—if not THE—most respected meteorologists in the country with Tom Skilling. The guy eats, breathes and sleeps weather.
I actually was glad to see it circle back around—I dug her jacketed look.
They could probably add a blue windshield from one of the space sets to take care of that.
Well, that's the thing—you have to speak to them as if they were a child, in the simplest terms possible. It's the only way they'll understand and follow what their customers want to the letter.
I would suggest in the future then while ordering to order a "plain hamburger" , pause to garner the wait staff's attention, and drawing your hand flatly through the air like you were polishing a table while stating "absolutely NO CHEESE whatsoever. NO CHEESE."
While I'm not questioning the validity that you've ordered hamburgers and gotten unwarranted cheese, where on earth does that? 99.9% of places I've been to that have a hamburger usually also offer cheeseburgers as well, and thus mutually exclusive from being mixed up.
Are you sure he wasn't the pimply-faced teen from the Simpsons who kept sticking his hand in to retrieve dropped food or it was coming out of his paycheck?
An absolute marvel of engineering, only to literally fall apart in the end.
Such a great game. Even better in the arcade form.
Technocop: he mews when he jumps! He turns suspects into gory piles of goo! He shoots children in poor neighborhoods!
Funny bit of trivia: Vasquez and Drake's guns are Steadicam rigs modified with guns attached to them.
This'd play great on iPad I'd imagine. Too bad it's exclusive to the only two Sony gaming consoles I don't own.
Agreed: love still being able to play my PS2 games on my PS3 thanks to MGS. Snake always honors the past.
Why? It's going to be out on PS3 too—one only has to look at Ground Zeroes to realize that the system upgrade is wholly unnecessary to play this.
What's really amusing is his troll comeback was a reply to himself.