Too late, my chum. It's happening. *inserts RonPaul.gif*
Too late, my chum. It's happening. *inserts RonPaul.gif*
Tell me where the bad person touched you.
Companies that innovate and take those chances are the reason all games exist in the first place. For every CoD that uses tired elements over and over, there were other games that innovated elements into FPS's that caused these genres to thrive—real-time doors that opened into rooms without waiting to render,…
Well yes, that's what I'm implying—he's a sensible man when it comes to maximizing profit potential in the largest way possible: multi-platform releases. As Sony and MS continue to push consumers into more expensive consoles and exclusive releases, one man is not afraid to push back and say there's still a viable…
As I've stated, MGS5 is the only appealing thing I've seen in the future and I can play that on my PS3 anyways. Uncharted 4 maybe, but teaser trailers do not a console purchase make.
I have neither the time nor money for PC—or for that matter the room. Plus when you're trying to do adult things like buy a house or going in for medical tests, you just don't have time for such things anymore (not to mention constant upgrades to hardware just to play a single specific game). Ah, to be young and…
Exactly. God bless Kojima-san for his old console loyalties.
Thanks for the suggestions, but to be honest, I use my Mac for graphic design than gaming. Come to think of it, the last time I probably actively decided to put a game on one was Myth (not Myst, kiddies). When you're a Mac user, you just got used to the idea 95% of gaming was off-limits to you.
For Nintendo fans it's most definitely a golden age, but I've never bought into any of their series (Zelda was *gasp again!* boring to me, Smash Brothers not my thing, Mario Bros. were tedious in length), and the last game I bought was Conker's Bad Fur Day and Starfox 64 from them.
Reading reviews of new properties like this make me wonder if I should even bother going beyond my PS3 at this point. Seriously: I just haven't seen anything that screams "must-have" other than MGS5 (full disclosure: I'd buy any MG if it was a train simulator or cooking tutorial).
So then I guess we can safely say you run like a little heroesandvillains instead?
On the contrary:
...then why did the other zombie go down and stay there that he attacked?
"Run like a little girl" you say?
Work permits for limited hours could be obtained when you're 15, but there's no way DirecTV's participating in that sort of thing unless he had some sort of amazing skill they desperately needed to utilize.
It's a power trip for them, pure and simple. Control the situation from afar, ruin someone's day they don't like, and possibly get the other person in a lot of trouble.
Clearly yours, Cinderfella.
Oh it's very true. Had a pair of punks the next town over from me drop a concrete block off an overpass about 25 years ago into the front of a pickup truck going underneath. Killed the guy sitting in the middle of the seat— the driver was also injured and the third had multiple lacerations from glass. The trio was…
Damnit, you just have to be THAT guy, don't you? Du hast mich. I couldn't give two spits who's performing it—the point is the idea of using metal for every showcase video is tired, overused, and outdated, and severely grating to the ears when the volume's been overmixed into the edit.