Jesus cripes, thank you. You can't tell me he wasn't aware of throwing that gear multiple times and still call it an "accident". My guess is some no-good punk kid pissed grandpa off and he went on a Fried Green Tomatoes rampage.
Jesus cripes, thank you. You can't tell me he wasn't aware of throwing that gear multiple times and still call it an "accident". My guess is some no-good punk kid pissed grandpa off and he went on a Fried Green Tomatoes rampage.
Nope, not deemed a medical emergency after they investigated. He panicked, pure and simple.
...and another clip muted because Gwar-like metal goes SO good while watching videos.
1. ...Bin Laden's compound? And finding the elusive individual?
but most of us would assume that if a company groomed and talked us into taking a position in another country they would do so without the intention of stranding us there.
Not to kick the guy when he's down who traveled 5K to take a job in another country, but he should have had some sort of work guarantee in his contract for such a risky transition—like a guaranteed time of work+pay or a stipulation that allowed him to be compensated should said work end abruptly—a "play or pay"…
One of Jackie's biggest inspirations is Buster Keaton, another master of physical comedy, so it makes sense Jackie choreographed scenes like these with humor at every opportunity.
What, you can't appreciate Cynthia Rothrock's abilities too?
Archer gave Harry Goz a great nod at the end of season 4's "Sea Tunt" two-parter—the pop machine was named "Goz", and it pinned that Captain Murphy (eventually killing him), much like it did in Sealab 2021, leaving Murphy going stir-crazy while the gang was off at an MC Chris concert.
Perhaps getting punched in the nuts could make the opponent walk slower, or getting your left arm broken disables the front punch button for the rest of the round, etc.
Which one? Roadbuster or Whirl? Because I still find the latest incarnations pretty wobbly to stand up. RB's feet look like he borrowed Goofy's shoes.
Mirage was way better in blue (plus that Universe version is one seriously kick-ass figure—ultra-poseable—probably one of the best leg articulations ever).
I was really disappointed in Generations Roadbuster. More articulation, sure, but the feet are goofy and the transformation's rather simplistic.
I actually love ROTF Bludgeon. He was a massive step up from the Pretender and incorporated the tank elements beautifully into his samurai look. Especially liked that Hasbro wasn't scared about letting the treads dangle as part of the appearance. I wouldn't change a thing about that fella.
Her and Chromia's wave have been out too long now to hope for finding them on pegs. Unless Hasbro incorporates them in a re-release with a new wave after the Combiner Wars is over (and we're not even into the second of two waves of them yet), they'll never show up. The Scoop/Tankor/Microformer wave is STILL…