
1) The game does use client-side hit detection. So there is an issue with that alone.

There is an 11.10 hotfix from AMD.

Well why not treat yourself to part 2

The Hotmail crap was getting to me until it brought up that I could use any service that I'm currently using...such as Gmail. I do have a Hotmail account, it's just not my main email. Hopefully it'll integrate my Gmail the way WP7 does.

But will the phone tracking work? Has it ever worked? The second mine was gone was the last I heard of it. I'm also curious what settings will go through the system syncing.

Lets hope the Samsung Focus S follows the same design ideas of the Focus. I'm looking forward to that phone since my Focus got stolen. Any available images on that device?

Anytime anyone mentions "casual" or "hardcore" I always think of this.

I'm still going to ignore them. None of the "games" are good. They're pointless day-to-day tasks that don't need to be done. Kind of like the "dailies" in WoW.

Hmmm, my dad has an HTC phone...and I have a dropbox account...lets see if I can get 3GB extra!

That's a shame.

I haven't done 3dmark testing on my system yet, but I'll get a comparison and see what happens. For reference, I've got an older Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 3.0GHz, a 5870 and 6GB of DDR2 800 RAM.

I have it set to "Blank Page" and I never lose my tabs either. I love Chrome's seamless jumping to private browsing, it's the only thing I'm really missing in FireFox. Also Cortex.

I've been using it to play games and do basic things outside of my ArchLinux install. It's pretty damn good. I am seeing a performance hit though [~60-80fps in TF2 at least]. The only problems I'm noticing here that I haven't seen in Win7 is some tearing occurring, but that's just a Vsync thing...right? Also, I did

It was interesting. We were there for the fresh products to arrive and the typical "morning rush" and the "evening old people" all wondering what we were doing. I think the best part was we were using a notebook and a router to hop onto the Internet via Dunkin's free WiFi.

You can do that with UEFI. Just look at some of the motherboards that are out right now with a UEFI BIOS. The things I've seen show that it has a "baby mode" for those who don't know, and then there are the nitty gritty settings below in other menus.

Now it's in Task Manager. It's still kind of out of the way, but it's in an easier menu.

It actually will. Comparing my average fps to that of the same rig with an i7-920 at stock clock [with 5870], there's a dramatic difference. I compared the same level and amount of players to be sure. My 25fps-30fps compared to this guys 70fps+ constantly and never dipping.


Oh geeze, the last I played, I was at 1680x1050 with max settings [HBAO OFF]. I think we're a bit of a misunderstanding though. Q6600 @ 3.0GHz and 5870: Squad Deathmatch; 16 people, ~45fps average. Conquest; 32 people, ~25fps average. Same setup. I never got to play BC2 with the 3.6GHz OC sadly. I hear there is a

Reminds me when 3 friends and I had a miniature LAN in a Dunkin Donuts. The staff didn't care too much. We bought food and drinks and we were there from 7pm to about 7am or 8am.