
High hopes for their slimmed computer. Even if it rocks an i7, I'd still consider it a netbook on size alone. Maybe specs too, considering they'll probably just get a ULV CPU with no dedicated GPU.

Doubt they will since it's technically their netbook.

You just made me think of the screaming black dolphins from Family Guy. Kudos to you.

Now playing

And now that they think it's racist, the kids will do it more. What an idiotic trend this is. But coning, now this is what I call awkward comedy.

I've got 46 apps installed on my old 3G and at the time, only about 6 got any real usage [Dropbox, xkcd, Explosm, +next 3]. 3 got a whole ton of usage [Facebook, Twitter, Meebo]. The rest are either novelties or games.

I'm not sure if this is going after the Hangout feature of Google+. I think it's aiming at Google Talk's video chat feature. Unless, of course, it allows for 10 people at once.

What the hell is considered "private" and "public"?

I like that idea of gritty for Zelda, but not so much the whole steampunk look. Now Realism with that grit, yes please.

I still have my old 3G and whited00r sounds like a good little thing to try out, but all the installation photo's are broken.

It's that bad? I was in the beta and it was pretty fun. Didn't get to play much thanks to life and a slow DSL connection and their huge updates.

I'd love Adium on any platform. It was fantastic while I was hackintoshing. I do love Pidgin though...

My chat! My left panel in it's entirety! It's lengthened itself! It's too big. I thought I would like it from the screenshots, but in action, it just doesn't work too well. It's also too bright, but then I was using the "silver lining" theme.

So I assume, as now customary, everyone will be diving every 3 seconds.

I have a Japanese Super Robot Wars with Big O lying around the house somewhere...I could never play it because I can't into Japanese. It was a nice gift from a traveling friend though!

I hope you're referring to the cartoon series, and not the movie. I loved the cartoon series and recently re-watched it in it's entirety [lazy days]. I'd love a sequel series to that, and not another failure from Mr. Shyamalan.

I rarily use a landline. In face, the only times I've used a landline was to call my parents from my cell phone to THEIR landline.

And this is why I stick to Nerf with bright fluorescent colors.

Halo? I'm just tossing a game that's been around for a decade that we all [perhaps, maybe] consider rather relevant in our lives. Or is it only still relevant because of the sequels that have been made? What about Quake or Unreal? Or am I one in a million?

Worst movie based on a video game that was based on a toy line that was based on a cartoon series that was based on a movie franchise ever.

How appropriate it has "Vista" underneath the sign....