
But, I loved the XMB...I loved skinning it. Damn. I for one deny our new menu.

I just want to know what he's using to get weather in the upper bar.

@Arppis: Nope, in the first game.

@ignisfatuus: That's good to hear. I'd be picking up the 128GB SSD + 4GB RAM model. Extra RAM to remove the need for a swap...and maybe use some space as a ramdisc to remove constant writing to the SSD.

@Arppis: @Bauske: @Blazur: Thanks for the responses guys. I just got to the part where I need to jumpstart the engine and whatsherface just hacked the computers and gave me access to a room...I've also got the Ripper and lvl2 upgrade for the suit. No idea how far that is though.

UGH! I've had the first for so long and haven't beaten it yet :O god dammit. Should I buy it anyways? I do love the first one.

@ignisfatuus: I expected that and I do plan on plugging it in to my desktop monitor when things feel uncomfortable. The thing I was concerned with was system power and would there be enough of it.

@ransy: I need to get a mac for a potential job offer. The only work related thing it'd have to do is iOS SDK coding and whatnot. You think the 11" would do the job efficiently enough for me?

@baldbeaver: Ooh, that is quite an interesting idea. Though I'm clueless as to how it's setup. I don't usually do anything with a microcontroller, but this is interesting and beneficial enough to play around.

"We have extensively investigated and have determined that this situation is not possible through a retail copy of the game. The player model is clearly modified as a result of hacking."

"it's her own voice, and not that of the larynx donor"

@casperiv: I think most of the price is coming from the fact that only 1 is available.

Well done, I may set this up, the only problem now is how to make it wireless. I'd rather not run Cat5 outside of the house.

@baldbeaver: The mail woman that comes by here NEVER puts the flag up. I witnessed her blatant disregard for it, and noticed she had never done it because the base of the flag wasn't sun-bleached like the rest of it [we just moved in btw]. So that wouldn't work too well. I'm pretty okay with a second message.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Thank You! I was coming here to say just that.

@IrishCheerioLadd: As battra92 said, they can be opened from the Applications folder where it's installed. Just think of it like this: "These are the programs I'm going to use more often than not". Though some people think they need A LOT of programs from day to day.

@philosopher_dog: Ahh, well then. I don't own a mac, but I've used it on friends computers and I love it as much as I love gnome-do. Good to keep in mind though as I do plan on a mac on the future, thanks!

@dantheman12: Launchy I suppose...maybe Enso...