DJ Squibbles

I'm alright with animated GIFs.

Just another gold digger? Does she not have the right to protect her intellectual property just because it's Apple, Inc. that's coming after it? Also, The Pirate Bay is Swedish, not Swiss.

So... I'm not any kind of medical professional, but I always think that people who push their bodies out to that kind of fringe are suffering from body dysmorphic disorder.

While the blogosphere as a whole has never been a paradigm of grammatical knowledge, Gawker is really setting a new standard for giving less than no fucks about any errors in their writing.

This article would be much more scathing if it was an Android device. But, for all the iPhone 5's faults, it's still apparently the best device out, so... I respond the same as always: meh.

It's a taut right, not a taught ride.

Gods above, this. I've all but given up on commenting in Gawker because my brain refuses to process this commenting system.

This is why they're going to have to pry my unlimited plan from my cold, dead fingers.

Samsung made it a point to take pages out of Apple's playbook. Is anybody confusing any of the Nexus devices with any of the iPhones? I tend to agree with Google on this one; this is much more a loss for Samsung than it is a loss for Google.

I don't think you have to quote your picture if it already has the text. And then to misquote...? Tsk. Five minute internet penalty for misquoting The Big Lebowski.

Nice of him, if that's actually true. All I ever wanted was feature parity with the iOS version. I never see them complaining like the Android people do.

More people looking at something means more people will be able to tell you what's wrong. If you don't allow anyone to take a close look, then only bad people take a close look. When they figure out what's wrong, they don't tell anyone. They exploit it.

... Bethesda?

Sorry for... being so invested in your project? Should I be sure to let everyone know, instead, that what you're doing isn't worth paying attention to? If I'm not paying attention to it, I'm not buying it. There's too much competition for my dollar.

Well, the F700 actually did come out a month after the iPhone. So it'd be hard to argue that they weren't already trending in that direction, at least stylistically.

I doubt it's about the DLC itself, precisely, so much as we're so fucking tired of seeing publicity for something that we (a) want and (b) can't have.

If you didn't find the last one beautiful, I don't see where you find this one particularly attractive either, FWIW.

I thought it was going to be worse, frankly.

When do you plan on releasing full images of the controller?

You guys seem... oddly bitter about this. I'm sorry that this wasn't as epic as the Arab Spring?