DJ Squibbles

You're not, but what you fail to realize is that we need to reboot every movie from the past forty years before we can move on. Unfortunately, that leaves precious little room for intriguing premises.

They pulled off the aesthetic in Tron. That gives me mild hope that someone in Hollywood can do it.

+1 divorce?

Remember that whole "Apple puts a beautiful layer of polish out on everything and it's always a cut above" line that gets used a lot? That cuts both ways. It's the same reason that Siri got shade when it first came out.

They're not going to give it to you straight because they want to screw you over. So here's the plain and simple: if you buy a phone full retail, they can't change your contract because what you're doing doesn't change your contract.

Save up your bottle caps and buy your phones retail from here on out, I guess? That's what I'm going to do. I'm not giving up my unlimited data for this... kerfuffle.

I think this plan only makes sense for the people who have smartphones, but don't use data. Those of us who rocked the unlimited see no sense in this. Those of us who use the data that we're paying for see no sense in this.

Enough people care that a company that made a business out of doing just that was bought for a billion dollars.

I don't think anyone is trying to hold the Skins and the Cowboys blameless. We're just pointing out a very simple fact that they're being punished, ex post facto, because Roger didn't like those teams getting one over.

This has nothing to do with anything, but I found this line:

Kirk, this is fascinating, fantastic stuff. Gotta follow you on Twitter and RSS your site and all that. Thanks!

This is what I was thinking. Nowadays, with tech, there's always something six months down the road unless you're buying an Apple product.

Might be because Sony has been doing it since Betamax, while Samsung has garnered a lot of goodwill in the mobile space and with the quality of the televisions.

Do you think your typical 60-70 year old guy has an understanding of video codecs or coding in general? I don't.

This is how things work in the tech sector now. You see more of it in the mobile market, but tech companies just sue the everloving shit out of each other, constantly. Some minds might wonder what it is about patents that let every company sue every other company all the time, but you'd do well not to challenge the

Well... I use Audiogalaxy. So yes.

That's a whole lot of words that, in no way, refute the assertion at hand. All I see is a lot of ad hominem.

This is tragic, but why is there even a possibility that the driver would face criminal charges? It seems to me that spectators have always been too close when it comes to rallying. Isn't that supposed to be part of the allure, that you're dangerously close to something just barely in control?

+1 teenage girl

Is anyone else having issues with the video just... not loading?