DJ Squibbles

It's like you went out of your way to take the worst pictures you could, though.

I was honestly, legitimately and truly in "take my money" mode just on the premise alone. Then I read "iOS" and stopped reading. I know Android is for losers and all, but there's a lot of us out there and we're generally appreciative if you throw us a bone (See: ~1,000,000 Instagram downloads in under 24 hours).

Just because you don't like the way you implemented 4 player co-op doesn't mean that it wasn't actually 4 player co-op. The only way it could be a sham, as you put it, is if you couldn't actually do 4 player co-op. You could.

I played as Mordecai, too, specced heavily into the Rogue (i.e. Bloodwing-focused) line. There's really something to be said for throwing a corrosive bird of prey at a bunch of people while shooting them in the face with an explosive sniper rifle.


The exploit of... thinking something is a Word document?

You make a good point. I guess I just keep getting hung up because there was no CBA in place. What the NFL said seems to boil down to: "There is no rule. There is going to be one eventually, and this is what it will probably look like. So don't break what the rule is eventually going to be."

How is it that all of the owners (sans the above-mentioned) collectively agreeing, with no written agreement in place, to limit their spending not collusion? No snark.

You're right, in a sense. They're not being penalized for breaking the rules, because the rule was not in effect.

Everything in me cries out to make some sort of joke about an erect penis here.

Wait, I'm sorry, what? Their creation is the best in the industry? Which creation? By what measure?

This didn't strike me as an initial run of Karas. The initial run would have been carefully supervised by top-level people. Once they assumed that everything was going fine, that assembly line-type of "put her together, ask her questions, put her in the box" business would absolutely go to a mid-level worker, if not

+1 Savior

As far as HMV and the supermarkets are concerned, raise your prices by any meaningful amount and people will go to other sources. You're going to tell me that you would rather go to a store and pay £10 more, rather than buy it online? I have to seriously doubt that, unless you need the game right then and there.

I'm not clear on how this is bad for the gaming industry. Maybe it's bad for the "stores that sell games" industry. That's an argument you could make.

So, umm... am I the only one excited about a V6? Yeah?

Top Gear just made a blanket assertion that the solid rear axle sucks because it's old, and it's old, therefore it sucks. They didn't "prove" much of anything.

You think idiots need to be able to go 200mph to do that?

You mean the Pontiac G8, as interpreted by Ford? Apparently American car companies don't think Americans would buy RWD sedans.

They didn't ask anyone of African or African-American descent, but the study is still conclusive?