I, umm... I think I'll stick to what I can find online.
I, umm... I think I'll stick to what I can find online.
Okay... wow. That was incredibly well-done.
@PHIL: I was with you until you didn't like Coco.
@Tyson: The Z10 9.3L V-12 turbodiesel
Any chrome is too much chrome. I drive a car, not a mirror with a motor.
@Tyson: Actually, I beg to differ. Considering that the size of vehicles gets bigger as the number gets higher, a putative A9 or A10 would have to be... well, limousines.
@mullingitover: When I had loaded this page, I hadn't seen your post. You said what I said!
@NeonAnderson: A nihilist is someone who doesn't believe that anything has a purpose. An atheist doesn't believe in a supreme deity.
@Nzad: You tell them about security theater and let them know that absence of proof is not proof of absence.
@Skyward Sonik: I have to follow you just on the strength of this video.
@ryalex: Is it just impossible to find something halfway between Subie and Audi? Does it have to toy racecar or middle management?
@JRider24: The old Legacy, yes. The new one looks like goat shit, so there are no options left for grown-up hooners in Subaru's stable.
@gray totoro who wants to be a mechanical engineer because he loves cars.: Yeah, I'm pretty much disgusted with the new Legacy.
@Jebro: Give me 300HP, AWD, a 6spd manual and good looks for a reasonable price tag.
The shadow makes it look like her dress is on backwards. That might just be me, though.
It looks like a car that you can buy if you're older than 22, yet still want (relatively) inexpensive AWD performance.
@anitesh.jaswal: Blasphemer! There is no company but Porsche and the 911 is its prophet.
@anitesh.jaswal: My thoughts exactly.
@Dirt Pirate: Ayrton Senna was the first person I thought of as soon as I saw this.
@selfprofessedgeek: Look, Apple does cryptic stuff like that and then introduces The Next Big Thing.