
That was 70% in ~9/2015. They included the date that the video portion was recorded and the progress at that point.

Note for those that didn’t read the comic, the scene with the Joker was not what pushed Bruce to coming back, but something rather horrific involving one of Bloom’s seeds and one of the kids he had been helping.

except there is no rape even intended? The intent was for to be able to talk to people better. She ahd a hard time acting normal around women and so when they appeared as men, she could do so. All it did was make her see women as men and men as women. She wasn’t even romantically interested in women, just attracted to

I turned 30 last year. I don’t have a career, just a menial labor job and I don’t make enough money to go back to school. I realized many years ago that I would never be able to retire, that I’d never be able to afford to buy a home, so I’ll be renting and working until the day I die.

Am I being dramatic enough?

Now playing

Say what you will about the game itself but you cannot deny this amazing trailer.

If Mega-Man has the Bend-Man Beam, that only means one thing. We have to go back in time and save Bender!!!

I’m sorry sir or madame, you really only had two choices, either simple or clean. You can even do both if you want :)

Most other countries seem to have figured out something that America just can’t: if third-party liability insurance is legally mandatory, instead of letting assholes find ways around it and drive uninsured, they just made third-party liability insurance a public, tax-funded thing.

They still have the butt slapping, but it is now out of view. I would personally be less offended if they had done a totally different victory celebration, rather than just half assing it and putting the camera placement somewhere else. It “smacks” of “we need to do something to protect our image, but don’t know how

If you look closely, those stills above are actually gifs of the game running in real-time with this mod on.

I love PlayStation advertising, they are not trying to sell you a hardware ( like xbox one does) they are selling you the full experience of being part of their community. Advertising done right.

But it is going in that direction. Why does everyone assume that improvement in one field somehow comes at the cost of other fields? It’s like they think the video gaming industry, filled with millions of people who all have unique ideas, are some kind of gestalt hive mind that can only do one thing at a time.

It’s not more detailed, it’s sharper. It’s not applying any effects that we actually have happen in everyday life, the way that light works, transparency or how our natural vision creates images. It’s similar to AA. With AA off, everything is sharply outlined, but it’s not actually how anything looks.


Because we can play them and use this tech later...?

Editor's note: The following is a guest editorial by Obsidian game designer Josh Sawyer. If you're a professional